Late Night Sickness

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Sitting in the dark
Wishing you were here
Wishing I did not fear
As the memories crash into me like waves
I dig us our unmarked graves
Forget me please oh lost lover
As new love you discover
Run far away from me
As I sadly drink my tea
Monstrous man seen in your eyes
Artificial highs
I beg of you
Do not look back too
Because I will be broken there
As I watch your hair
Blowing in the summer breeze
As I fall to my scuffed up knees
The storm engulfs me as you leave
As I start to believe
I was the demon
Who sits with many faces up his name
I wish I did not embody him
I wish I would've sung that hymn
The witching hour
Click reads three
Wish I was free
So that I could go back
To when the darkness was unknown
I wish I would've grown
I want to start over
I wish all this poetry would bring you back
So that you knew I humanly lack
I wish these words would have you love me again
May these senseless ramblings revive
The painful toxicity of what we once had
So as I write another poem
Sitting in my home
I desperately await your return
Maybe I didn't learn

Untold Verses (Poetry and Art Book)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora