Broken Generation

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We are a generation
Who is in love with our dealers
We are a nation
With bloody meat cleavers
We falsely love those who give us access
To temporary happiness
So when we stumble in the hall
To the dark bedroom we fall
Half dressed
Like a forgotten tomb
They grin upon your soul not blessed
She says I love you
After he ignores her for hours
He says don't leave me too
After she hit him, now he cowers
You do not love him
You do not love her
And when genuine love comes to them
Mistrust will stem
And they will not take the opportunity to escape
Because it is the illusion of love like a drug
An overly protective hug
Throwing at the wall a mug
Just missing your head
But all that has been fed
Is your desperation
In this god forsaken nation
It is created by fear or an addiction
So when you proclaim your affliction
I will say run, you've tried so many times before
Do not be his whore
After the smokes at 4
Do not be her toy
Please for god's sake run boy
Because when you have the gun to your head
They will lay in bed
With nothing in their head
But all the things you can give to them
But nothing they could give to you
But the senseless bait to keep you within
All of their painful sin
It is not love, friend
And I hope not your end
Because I know the toxicity within what you stand
But your too stubborn to move
Because you believe it's love

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