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Fuck love
Fucking morning dove
Love is a weapon
Like a sleeping tiger
Gentle yet
It is set
To have a viscous potential
So when you say love
I hide
Because on my side
Live was a synonym for pain
I went insane
When the last girl I loved
Left me in the mud
We still talk today
But I pretend I'm gay
Just so that I can hear you
Without you
Hating me

So when you came
And said you weren't the same
I was afraid
I hid
Felt the shrapnel in my mid
The splinters pulsed
Reminiscing the pain
Like a timid creature
I timidly looked at the feature
Of you
Two opposites
Somehow now sits
Close together
So when you said you're in love
I ran to my cove
But just this night
I think I might
Have fallen into the deadly position
Is trust
And we may think
That today
Lust is a must to trust
But, all you need is love
So please
As I lay vulnerable
Do what is honorable
And be kind
I am behind

You said go to bed
I continued and lead
Just to see your face
Where I lose my self in the space
Between your eyes
My heart flies
Begging to see
Gentle is he
To the innocence

So to you dear
Do not fear
My intentions are innocent
Despite what I show is omnipotent

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