Muse No.1

14 1 0

Ukulele kisses
My heart it misses
Your colored hair
Sitting on a couch
Twitter messages
Empty sentences
Desperately begging
For you to stay
Blocked like the rest
Lest you know this mess
God forgive
Let me live
Awake next morning
As my heart was yearning
For your swift return
Which I would learn
You only came back to insult
Now you hide with them
In the forest they stem
Demons within the shadows of the trees
As my feet crunch upon the leaves
You swiftly pass by as they do
Maliciously reminding
To the pain in my mind that is lining
Please just leave me be
Stop torturing me
I can name all of those voices
The ones that made the choices
Shaping the wet clay
To creat the malformed thing I am today
The ones that shape my insecurity
Therapeutic solution to silence the pain
God's name in vain
I shout to the sky
Desperate for relief
Begging for a release

Untold Verses (Poetry and Art Book)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant