So Wrong So Right

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Within the limited time
To figure a rhyme
You were the secret perfection
With which my demons elected
My cure
Within which you are pure
Hiding within the confines
All of the picket hate signs
It didn't feel as a fulfilled desire
But romantic ideals conspire
Within this burning fire
I could only picture
The intoxicating elixir
With which your love produced
The forbidden fruit within this withering garden
But please do pardon
My melting heart
Let me just hide this part
The feeling of concealment so tart
But so sweet
So run with my bloody feet
I shall do
And as I look back
I wished I could've fulfilled what I lack
Love is residual
With this inscribed sigil
Placed upon this broken soul
With which you will see as dark as coal
But let me show you this little light
That still to this day will fight
As the songs that make me think of you play
I wish to only say
That our time was well spent
But now my soul, far away, will be sent

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