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I washed my hands
Dirty metallic bands
Roughened day
Come to an end
Washing hands

A scent reached me
A scent
It was you
Sending to
A smell
A smell so familiar
So much sillier
As I laugh at myself

Why has it attached

The thought attacked
Your scent
Is the only thing God scent
To let me never forget
How close we sat
How far you threw my hat
I cannot remember your face
I cannot remember the taste
Of what it was like to be by you
I cannot forget
That scent of yours

My hands I tour
The white soap drops slowly
You were my ghost so holy

That soap
I do hope
In some odd way
It would stay
Because every day
My sense catches you

It was sweet
With some heat
A spice underlined
It stays undefined
But once it comes by
I say hi
To the memories
Of that scent

I wish I could wash my hands
These dirt covered bands
But I cannot bring myself to let go
Bring the water
To rinse this thought, her
Hair is coming back to me
Her face is letting me see
Her body it's silhouetted
In the sunlight
God let me fight
This memory
I wish it was temporary
But god
You curse me
To only let me see
Her face in my head

These poems caused jealousy in homes
But I wish
People would know
It's still torture
For sure
That this is my struggling past
And if it doesn't go fast
I'm sorry
For I know that it hurts you
That it hurts me
So if you love me
Do not give in to jealousy
For as anyone else's pain
I hope it to be lain
To rest
With my best

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