Endless Execution of Fleeting Sanity

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I could write a million poems of the things I want
I could finally have some happiness too
But god has a funny way of saying fuck you
Smash my skull in
With my sin
Burn my heart
Tear me apart
Because the anxiety and stress
Are making me a beautiful mess
Like a burning building
You'd think I'd be filling
Hearts with love
But no one takes it
No one wants it
Because the vessel of this love
Doesn't seem good enough
So it's rather fucking tough
When no one wants the love you'll give them
Is this how god feels
With hatred seals
From the people he endlessly loves
From what his book says
But how well it pays?
You can see that I'm in a panic
Just wanting to love
Why can't I love
Rather you'd shove
Far away
Put me in hell
For satisfaction of seeing that I fell
But these words mean nothing to no one
Because the falling sun
Won't be enough to have sung
A million songs to you
To love you
Fuck you
Fuck me
I wish I could tear my skin
To expose him
To expose the bleeding
Show me yours and I'll show you mine
I wish I could simply rhyme
The words to show you
Something I wish you knew
And that is that I love you
...yes you
Of hope
Wash these cuts with love and soap
Heal me
Because I want to heal you
And no one really likes to return favors
So when happiness comes my downfall it savors
Because how can you take a man from the top
And throw him to hell and snap his neck with a pop
I'm desperately wanting to love
But god forbid I do that
Because what am I
What am I without my hell
With which god threw me in
So even in the flame
I'll stay the same
Loving you
And hoping you'll love me too

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