Snow Covered Dress

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With the cold blanket of winters cold grasp
Sheets of snow covered the green grass
So sat an angel upon a cloud
With which one man was proud
To have found the eyes of that angel
So one day that angel in the cloud came down
She came within the snowy air
With skin so beautiful and fare
No other man had gazed within the caramel eyes
No man had seen such beauty even in the skies
Though she came with reservation
She left such a loving preservation
And remind the man of those beautiful eyes
And that winter kisses skin
Though in the dark and cold winter
The angel kept him warm
Far from any harm
She filled the air around him with love
With warmth
With the scent of peppermint
Within his eyes it left a glint
A glint of hope
And love
To last throughout the stinging winter
No other had ever been able to say
I love you

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