I Never Knew You

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A person that just came to mind
A random character
Within some confusing play
The kind of person to smoke a pack a day
With no words to say
You never liked the taste of coffee
But you drink it anyways
To hope your consciousness stays
A person to fall asleep when the sun rises
And awake when the moon follows
A person who doesn't quite know what to wear
But somehow pull it off
With a smoker cough
A person who pushed everything away
But somehow a few stay
A person to sit in comfy chairs
Feeling your unwashed, greasy hairs
The kind of person who misses a shower
Because they can't help but cower
Within the confines of your bedroom
A person to drive from sundown to sun up
Because you can't give up
Protecting yourself
From yourself
Because you were always afraid of a car crash
So you'd never die like that
A person who stares at the sky
Wondering why
Why the world goes like that
But all you ever wanted
Was for someone to sit there and ask too
A person to give it all
Ready for a fall
Were you ready for fall?
The stinging cold
With no hand to hold
The only warmth is that damn coffee
Are the person to hurt
And only write it in poems
To hide in painful homes
To draw the pain
To keep sane

You're the person in that mirror
And I wish you weren't here

Untold Verses (Poetry and Art Book)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora