One Last Time

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If I could
For one last time
Give you a rhyme
To melt your heart
I would hope you wouldn't depart
This world is dark and it's scary
And your love I need it very
So now you're packing up and standing at the door
One more
For the road
I say
Both tears in our eyes
My heart flies
Far away
As you turn your back to me
I wish that I'd feel you
One last time
But god won't let us
You said at least
So let the dogs feast
On my rotting corpse
Let the flies hover over me
Let me decompose
But if you stay longer
I won't be able to let go
One last time
I'd love to dance
I'd love to walk the creek again
Keep your name by the pen
Your gentle soul
Filled my hole
You calmed the quivering demon
But we both forgot
That demons weren't meant for angels
All the love songs
Are no longer happy
For they sing tales of what I've had
What I've lost
So, love
I wish that we would have one last time
One last time to love
Because no one was like you
I wish you knew
I wish you knew you were my light
And you treated my last what I deserved
Are amazing
And when you read this
I hope you don't miss
As much as I do
I wish that your heart
Can depart
With more pristine outcome
Than mine
For mine will be like a blown off limb
The bloody stump
Of bone and muscle and blood
Screaming in pain
Crying god's name in vein
Why has this happened
I wish
For bliss
To never had asked
For one last kiss
One last time

Untold Verses (Poetry and Art Book)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora