Muse No.2

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We sit in the same boat now
Missing you is all I do
But you are missing him and know the pain
I was yelled at for these
But I cannot freeze
Because it hurts still
I wish I could somehow fill
Every hole you left
And I've got someone doing as much they can
But I wish you hadn't have ran
I wish it would've worked out
So that I wouldn't hurt so much

Shouldn't complain
I might hang

As I hope you read this Muse No.2
You know who
Blinded hair
As you stare
We both are at therapy today
Wish I could lay
In a field of flowers
Wish I could forget all the pain
You left me
Or I left you to leave me
I don't even know anymore
But down to the core
You were always on my mind
And will always be
Past expectation
I was stupid
And maybe that's I'm sad

But as I said before
These poems are my sore
Jealous it creates
But pain it takes
So very far away
I haven't stopped
Nine months ago
It hurt me so
I hoped
We wouldn't pick the rope
I hope to gods name you read this
Because you aren't doing well either
And I wish to let you know you need a breather
I wish you knew you are greater than you say
So when you say you want to lay
I say you're better than that

So you
Muse No.2
Run so very far way
Please do not stay
Run far far away
Forget me forget us
Repress it all
Damn me to hell
Just please don't look back
At all that I lack

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