my bestfriend is made of magic

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i don't remember much from that summer, naught except for blood red cough syrup skies spilling over cotton clouds and the sound of your voice laughing from the dark army green grass patch under that spray painted tree we're tried to climb too many times. i recall the gleam of your smiles in the 11 pm darkness, the sound of the boys giggling as the water fight unfolded.

you bravely stood in front of me, ensuring my dryness as he stalked around the park with a garden hose. i remember sitting on the swings and you asking me about which night i would give up the rest of my life for; to give all my tomorrow mornings for a single last night. i gave you an answer then, but i've changed my mind.

i know now, that i would relive the moment the park became just you me and our friends, when the moon claimed supervision over us instead of any adult at the time. i would relive eating push up pops on the slide and endless talking until the sun revolved back around. to encase that moment in solid diamond and acknowledge that all it is, is the moment i fell in love with the idle neighborhood i was in, the last summer i spent with you before you packed up and left. the last summer i spent with you, is the best one.

you and your curls and moon-crater dimples, enchantingly childish in speech but dear god; your mind is unearthly and ancient. wiser than the years you've spent in your life, you're timeless. there is art craved into your bones, you are mother natures pride and glory.

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