tick tock its seven thirsty o clock

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the stars can no longer help you once you deem my mouth salvation, watering at the sugar kissed daydreams of honeyed rose petals & lavender fields, blinding champagne & unforgiving gods. watch in bliss as angels sing; voices floral and wine soaked, lay your head to rest and fall for apricot sweet love stories. taste the melting sunshine between your teeth and pray to a cloudless sky. will the cosmos accept a false claim of adoration? strip yourself down to the bleak bones holding you up, your sacrificial alter of belonging, the scars on your back told tale to a massacre of opinion- what did you give up to be where you are now? the stars cling to their sky tapestry with the endless desire-fear-longing to be complete, the strings attached set them into constellations. the universes do not care about us. we are on our own, we are on our own.

ur sleeping on the couchМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя