the hearts a really cool literary device (1/4)

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the most beautiful things come from the heart. more specifically, heartbreak.
heartbreak creates a canvas. it opens your eyes. some people can only see once they've had their ribs torn apart. heartbreak makes people see neon and taste vodka even though they're sober and sitting in a library. it makes people hear glass shattering against a marble floor. peaches don't taste sweet anymore, and the emotion derived from color fades. it opens your eyes to a whole new world. it swings a wrecking ball into the walls you've built and decorated. it releases you into a new environment- to allow you to rebuild into something stronger, better. heartbreak is an opportunity. so if that means shaving your head and burning all your pictures, do it. if that means simply wearing a different flavor of lip balm, do it. nothing is gone unnoticed.

the most beautiful things come from the heart. more specifically, love.
love creates a canvas. it opens your eyes. some people will never see the good in the world until they're in love. love makes people speak in color and taste chocolate. love makes you see each individual paint brush stroke on a masterpiece. love makes you delve in worlds you didn't know existed. love makes you want to be in a world you previously despised. suddenly everything tastes sweeter, and the soft symphonies echoing in your head never stop. it breaks your walls and creates a home. you can completely redesign. love is an opportunity. wether that means picking up on your partner's habits or dropping old bad ones, love is an opportunity to make yourself stronger, better. so even if it's as small as switching lipstick colors or as extravagant and dyeing your hair, do it. nothing is gone unnoticed.

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