the sun's stuntdouble

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when the sun gets sad and sulks behind the clouds i shine until the sun relearns how to when flames diminish i burn until they regain their flicker when the birds forget their song i sing until they remember why they do when you do not love yourself i will love you until you agree that you need to because just like the sun and the flames and the birds how could you have a purpose, printed in gems and jewels and other shiny things that i can't lay my finger on yet.

because you sparkle like the eyes of lovers in midnight moments they wish they could love in forever you are magic you are pixie dust and rainbows and all that mystic shit that everyone likes.

your bones are forged and your skin is woven you are a creation of heaven and hell you are a masterpiece and you deserve every inch of love you can scrape off the malice in the world you drip light and your halo sometimes glows brighter than the moon watch as lovers gaze upon you and remember the good and the pure watch as poets look to you when faced with grief and adoration watch as you become the beacon of luminescence within seconds.

the you i know is not the you everyone else knows the you i know if sitting here reading prose poems written by a delirious teenager in the hopes of feeling something. the you i know already seems beautiful to me; i mean, cmon. i'm sitting here writing about you, aren't i?

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