black coffee vs basically just milk & sugar

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the sunshine, the crown, the roses.

the sunshine;

cat eye liner. honey. warmth, blankets, buttered popcorn. floral dresses, golden jewelry. mahogany furniture. wind chimes. melting ice cream, cony island, fun fairs. crisp white bedsheets. ripe cantaloupe. lemon tea. old maps. fairy lights. popping highlighter. salted caramel coffee. missing car keys, grand picture frames. painted walls, acrylic on demin. vanilla lib balm. lighters. skylines. hot wax. shades of light.

the crown;

over grown gardens. empty thrones. missing youth. dark chocolate, red wine. curled eyelashes. black coffee. rusted window hinges. spotlights. plum lipstick. velvet. discarded cigar stubs, broken beer bottles. glossy high heels. rich laughter. violent passion. crystals. empty rooms. lion emblems. dusty envelopes. glitter. rivers. plated jewels. bees. human anatomy. unopened, unread books. night clubs, sweat. dancing.

the roses;

spilt slushie. coca cola. pearl earrings. ripe peaches. belladonna. chiffon. french perfume. sharp nails. white dresses, bruised knees. bullet shells. letters signed x. ribbon. cherub statues. cherry pie. running tap water. milky skin. golden pendants. sunsoaked cheeks. silk. piano keys. stone walls. jam.

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