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boys ! boys ! boys !

boys in soft daydream hoodies, boys in garden fairy kissed jeans, boys in coke & pizza night sweat pants, boys in sweet summer skirts, boys in rosy velvet wine dresses, boys in beach worn denim jackets, boys in midnight car racing leather jackets, boys in acrylic bumblebee cardigans

boys!! boys!! boyyyss!!

boys with plush round peachy faces, boys with crystal cheekbones, boys with knife sharp jawlines, buys with sugar pampered cheeks, boys with star dust acne spotted faces, boys with cinnamon sprinkled freckles, boys with killer eyeliner

boys reading books, boys on motorcycles, boys playing video games, boys at clubs, boys makin music, boys writing, boys running businesses, boys playing sports, boys filming movies, boys loving someone, boys planting flowers, boys petting animals, boys wearing crowns, boys with knives, boys baking cookies, boys opening jars, boys at the gym, boys at ballet class, boys crying in bed, boys with broken hearts, boys with toothy smiles, boys with soft hands, boys with rough hands, boys with muscle, boys with no muscle, skinny boys, fat boys, angel kissed messy haired boys, buzzcut boys, anxious boys, always sleepy boys, unearthly boys, puppy loving boys, boys holding hands

princes! kings! lovers! runaways! jocks! thespians! nerds! dorks! geeks! 

boys with female bodies! boys who like boys! feminine boys! boys in nail polish! boys loving each other! boysss!!!

ur sleeping on the couchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora