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The next few days went by slowly for Harry. It was Friday, and Harry was planing to tell Albus the truth. 

Once class was over, Harry dismissed the Slytherins, however he asked Albus to stay. When everyone was gone, Harry closed the door and told the boy to follow him to his office which was attached to his classroom. Harry told the boy to sit, and he did.

"Am I in trouble?" Albus asked shyly.

"Merlin, no! I just wanted to talk to you about something." Harry sat down at the edge of his desk. 

"Oh... then what is it Professor Potter?" 

"Um... You see, I talked to your mother Albus, and well-"

"Is she okay?!" Albus interrupted worriedly.

"Yes, don't worry; She is perfectly fine. Albus you see, I'm your dad." Harry said slowly, and waited for the boy to take in the words.

It took the boy a few moments, then he looked up to Harry. "You're kidding right? Mum told me that my dad died in the battle of Hogwarts, and it was purely coincidence that we have the same last name. You are joking right?" 

"I'm not joking Albus, and your mother did tell the truth, well kind of. I did die during the battle of Hogwarts, but only for a moment."

"If you really are my dad, then why didn't you come to see me?" 

" Because I didn't know that you existed until the first day. Then I went to talk to Ginny, and she told me. She lied to me too."

"So she is the one I should be mad at. She is the reason I didn't have a father growing up!" Albus was getting angry. 

"No, don't be mad at her, she made a mistake and that's only human. Honestly." Harry was panicking , he wasn't sure how to deal with kids.

However, at this moment someone walked into Harry's classroom yelling "Oi Potter, I was wondering how you were getting on with the Albus situation! Was making sure you're okay." 

Draco then walked into the little office area, saw Albus and froze. Albus was looking up at Draco pondering. "Well, this is my cue to leave, I will be back... uh.. soon? But not too soon, take your time." The blond then spun on his heel and walked out of the room, leaving the two Potters alone again. 

"Why doesn't Professor Malfoy call you Harry like the rest of the staff?" Was Albus' reaction when Draco left. 

"Because we've hated each other since we were 11 and calling each other by our first named would be sign of the end of the world." Harry replied 

"If you've hated each other, then how come he came to check on you?" 

"Honestly, i'm not sure why Malfoy was here."

"Can I ask you a question."

"You already asked me like three but okay." 

"Why did you and mum break up anyway?" 

Harry wasn't sure what to say, there were many reasons on why the two separated, mainly because him and Ginny were't the same after the war, they wanted to go back to normal, and have a life however war had changed them both. 

"There were lot's of reasons, but mainly because we weren't the same after the war, and we just grew apart. Then i got this job and we didn't talk much even for us" Harry replied. 

Albus just nodded, then looked down at his hands. "Well, I have to go now; I have some homework to do." Harry nodded, Albus got up grabbed his stuff, and started to head out, but stopped at the door. "Thanks, for telling me. Dad." Then Albus left and no more words were exchanged between them. 

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