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(A/N Thank you all for coming all this way through this fic, for enjoying it and voting on it. I am sad to say goodbye but i feel it has run its course. Enjoy <3 <3) 

It's been a year and a half since the two men announced to the world that they were gay in a relationship. A lot has occurred in the past year. Draco proposed to Harry in April (roughly four months after they announced it to the world), they adopted twins, a girl they named Lily and a boy they named Scorpius. The two children were 16 months old as of last week. Albus was super excited about the twins, he was a great big brother to them. Another thing that happened was that Simon asked out Albus, the boy had come round for dinner nearly every week for months now, and Draco and Harry couldn't be happier about their relationship (although Draco was being very protective at first, it took Harry to calm him down). 

"Are you ready darling?" Hermione asked Harry standing at his side. Harry was wearing a new set of dress robes for the wedding, they are surprisingly comfortable  the man thought. Harry looked at Hermione in the mirror. 

"Yes. I mean I'm more terrified than merlin himself will ever understand, but a good terrified. I'm going to be spending my life with the man that I love." Harry answered. The man had let his hair grow out a little, it was now hitting his shoulders, however he liked it that way, Draco too. Draco enjoyed running his hands through Harrys hair when they kissed, or playing with it while they sat together doing literally anything. 

When they came out it went surprisingly well. Sure everyone freaked the fuck out, however after a week everyone was used to it. The two men were often seen together walking around holding hands, and just enjoying the others company. The students were so happy to hear about their relationship and their engagement that a few actually cried when they found out. 

It was a warm day in early July, but not too hot that they were melting. Hermione and Draco spent months planning the wedding down to every single possible detail, and Harry had to say they did an amazing job at it. 

The hall where they are getting married was a giant open room that was partially outside, they chose to use purple as the main part of their wedding theme with silver accents, thus their were purple and silver streamers all over, the chairs were purple and the cutlery was all perfectly hand and magic polished silver. The building was near the sea in this beautiful little valley. 

At this moment Ron walked into the room. "You ready mate?" 

Harry nodded and turned around to face his best mate, "Yeah, let's do this."

~ ~ ~ 

Draco was staring at the top of the isle when the music started (traditional wedding march)(Hermione insisted). The man was looking down the isle trying to catch a glimpse of the man he loved when it happened. 

Harry was walking down the isle with his arm interlinked with Molly Weasley, Molly was crying a small amount (but trying not to show it) and Harry was smiling with the biggest grin that has ever been seen. The darker man had tears in his eyes but neither man cared. 

Molly gave him a giant hug and a kiss on the cheek and then went to go to her seat in the front row. Molly grabbed Scorpius from Arthur who was also holding Lily. 

Hermione was the one officiating their wedding, she stood between the two men who were now turned facing each other, both grinning from ear to ear. 

"Draco do you take Harry James Potter to be your magically wedded husband? In sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty, for better and for worse,  to love each other for eternity?" Hermione asked. 

"I do." Draco said, and Harry smiled a little bit brighter when he heard that. 

"Harry do you take Draco Lucius Malfoy to be your magically wedded husband? In sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty, for better and for worse, to love each other for eternity?" Hermione said to Harry. 

"I do." Harry answered confidently, squeezing Draco's hands a little bit while saying it. 

"May I have the rings?" Hermione asked looking to Albus who came to her side and handed her the two simple gold wedding bands. She handed one to each of the men. "Now please place the ring on the other's finger."

Harry slid his ring onto Draco's left ring finger and Draco returned the gesture with shaky hands. The two men locked eyes, not darling to look away for a single moment, still hand in hand (now just with their lovely wedding rings on their fingers.)

"I pronounce you husband and husband, you may now kiss the groom-" But before Hermione could finish the sentence the two men were kissing. This kiss was slow and passionate, full of love and hope for the future. When they pulled away there were all of their guests clapping and cheering joyfully. The two men then walked down the isle together as Mr. and Mr. Potter. 

T H E - E N D 

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