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Draco woke up on a bed in a red room. He looked around but didn't see anyone with him. Draco cast a tempus with his wand which was laying on the table beside the bed. '4pm' read the time that was floating in white numbers in the air. 

Draco sat up quickly, and at that moment Harry walked into the room through the front door holding some muffins. 

"Afternoon, I thought you would wake up soon so I went to go get some muffins from the kitchen." Harry replied thoughtfully.

"Thank you." Draco smiled, "When did I get on your bed?" 

"I woke up at about 8am, about an hour after we fell asleep... i think, anyway I brought you to my bed, carful not to wake you up. You needed the rest." Harry handed a muffin to Draco, who gladly took it. 

"I mean thank you, for staying up with me, you're so nice to me after I was a complete git to you for years, and years. So truly thank you Harry James Potter." Draco placed the muffin beside him on the bedside table, then he stood up and took a few steps to Harry to give him a tight hug. Harry was caught off guard, however after a moment he hugged back. 

Draco pulle back a few inches so that he could look into Harry's eyes and just kiss him straight on the mouth. Harry kissed back immediately, but after a few moments Draco pulled back causing Harry to protest. 

Draco laughed, and pulled the shorter boy into a hug. Draco's face was in the mess that was Harry's hair.

When the two finally did separate, Draco sat back down on the Gryffindor themed bed, picked up the muffin and plucked a little piece of it off and tossed it into his mouth. Harry sat across from him, and took a giant bite into his muffin.

"So what time did you wake up?" 

"I got up about 2 hours ago."

"2 hours?! And you didn't wake me up?" 

"Well, Minerva called for me, so that took up a little while, and then i came back here for an hour and read somethings before going to get muffins."

"You're too sweet, honestly."

"Only for certain people." 

"You literally saved the entire wizarding world from a guy with no noes, don't tell me you're only nice to 'Certain people.'" 

"That was different, I had to do that, there was no 'I don't want to' because that wasn't an option. Me being sweet to you is because i want to, and because I like you. Not because I have to."

Draco was taking aback by what Harry had just said, he didn't expect it at all. After a moment of silence, which was Draco trying to think of what to say he said something that he didn't exactly mean to say, but was glad he did.

"I like you too."

When Harry heard that, he stopped. His muffin was half way to his mouth, his mouth was already open for the muffin that never came. Harry dropped the muffin and jumped onto Draco, giving him a giant kiss. "That's the greatest news I've had all month." The green eyed boy mumbled against Draco's lips. 

For the next 3 hours until Dinner the two spent the time cuddling and making out in Harry's bed, both of which not sure what they were, but they knew that it didn't matter as long as they were together. 

* * *

They showed up to Dinner together as usual, Hermione was freaking about why the two of them weren't at breakfast or lunch. Harry looked to Draco unsure of what to say, Draco wanted it to just stay between them, and Harry seemed to have gotten that by the look on Draco's face. 

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