T W E N T Y - O N E

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The two spent only an hour getting ready for their date. They decided that although it is a date, they shouldn't get all dressed up so they don't raise suspicion. Once they were ready, the two head out into the snowy evening and trudged across the grounds, and walked all the way to the small village of Hogsmeade. 

"Three broomsticks?" Draco asked as they entered the village. 

"Sounds good." Harry answered and they started to walk over. Their hands grazed a few times on the walk over, however they didn't hold hands, again, to keep their secret relationship secret. 

When they walked into the restaurant Draco held the door open for Harry, and then Harry walked over to one of the booths, Draco sitting across from him. The room was quiet, and there was soft lighting all around. It wasn't very busy during this hour, which they were thankful for. 

When the witchress (I'm sorry) came round to take their order, they both ordered warm butter beer, and they both got some pasta -although Draco got a small with a salad on the side so that he could stay 'healthy'- which Harry was very much so looking forward to. 

"So how is Albus?" Draco asked softly, not wanting to cast a silencing charm, but also not wanting the entirety of the restaurant to hear their conversation. 

"He is doing well, but of course i'm sure you know this. Why do you ask?" 

"I'm just wondering if there is any update on his little crush on Simon." Draco answered smiling softly. He couldn't help it, he was growing to love the boy as if he were his own son -which in a way he was- and just wanted to make sure that all was well in Albus land. 

"Not that I know of, but Simon is a good kid, and i'm glad that he likes him rather than some total git like how you were when we were younger." Harry answered, and smiled when Draco said a soft 'hey!' in protest, although he never properly protested because he knew that young him was a total dolt. 

"I'm glad that we are finally back on a date, I've missed this, I've missed you." Draco murmured softly, wanting to lean in and kiss Harry but knowing that he shouldn't. Instead he settles on grabbing Harry's hand. 

"I'm right here love, it's not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon. You're stuck with me forever, even if we have yet to make our vows." Harry squeezed Draco's hand softly as he said this, meaning every single word of it, and wanting to make sure -even though he knew that Draco understood this- there was no doubt about it when it comes time of Harry proposing. 

"I love you." Draco said quietly, now really wanting to kiss Harry, still he knew better of it. 

"I love you too." Harry replied and squeezed the others hand just as the waitress came round with their food. Both the boys knew that she was close enough to hear their proclaims of love, and that they should be worried about that, but at the same time, they couldn't be bothered by it. Instead they both just let go of their intertwined hands and helped to make room for their food, and didn't acknowledge what had happened, notwithstanding that their legs were intertwined beneath the table, mostly out of view. 

The two ate and chatted quietly with each other. Talking about literally anything, and then they got desert to share. They agreed on some pumpkin pie (one of Draco's favourite muggle food) and would feed each other like all the cliche movies. "I love you." Harry said again for the millionth time that night. 

"I love you too Harry, now let's go back." Draco responded, and called over the witchress who was waiting in the corner to be needed. She came over immediately and then Draco paid for the two of them. They then walked back to the castle so they could get some rest for the following day. 

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