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The next morning Draco and Harry woke up, got dressed, made breakfast, and finished packing for Hogwarts. When the boys apparated to the outskirts of the castle, Harry couldn't help but smile.

Although Hogwarts would always be his home, he also found a new home, with him and Draco at Grimmauld Place. He loved the idea of him and Draco living together full time, maybe next summer they could spend the whole summer together instead of just a few weeks. And because Albus already knew about their relationship, and seemingly didn't mind all that much there wasn't a problem in that respect. 

"Ready?" Draco asked Harry, after giving the brunet a few moments.

"Ready." Harry replied, and grabbed Draco's hand. 

The two men started to walk up towards the castle, it took them almost half an hour, but they casted hovering charms on their luggage so it wasn't a total pain. The two talked about nothing in particular, just about how excited they were for the next year of first years, and debeating on who they would like best. 

When they arrived at the castle, Minerva greeted them, smiling when she noticed their hands intertwined. "Hello Mr. Potter, and Mr. Malfoy. How was your summer?" 

"I would say that it was pretty well, how about you Harry?"

"I agree. How was your summer Headmistress?" 

"Mine was quite alright thank you. I just wanted to let you both know that as I know you two have spent over half the summer together, this year you two will be sharing a room."

The two boys were shocked by what she had said however they weren't supprised that she knew. 

"And" she continued, "I know you two spent much of your time together in one room last year also, so I am assuming that you two have no problems with this, correct me if I am wrong." 

"Nope, sounds perfect Minerva, thank you."

"You're welcome, now I'm sure you know how to get to there, so I shall go, meeting other Professors and nonsense. Oh and you will be in Draco's room. Okay, now I am done rambling I will see you both later, goodbye." She smiled again one last time, and then let the boys go down to their now shared room. 

"That was very lovely of her to do, honestly I'm really excited to be like fully living with you, not that the last few weeks wasn't real." Draco rambled on excitedly. 

Harry stopped walking, and turned to Draco, and then kissed him. "I am excited too." Then continued walking, both of the boys smiling.

After the battle of Hogwarts, the school had to be rebuilt, and an extra part of the castle was added for all of the teachers to live together, instead of having everyones rooms off of their classrooms. The castle has always been large, and getting anywhere took a while, but when Harry was talking to Draco it didn't feel like that, it felt like time stopped and so when they arrived at their room, it felt as if no time had gone by at all. 

When Draco approached the door, he pulled out his key and put it in the lock, turning it and pushing it open easily. The room looked almost they same as it used to, but it was slightly bigger -not much though-, and there was a pile of boxes that all said 'Harry'. 

"It's really happening." 

"That it is Draco dear."

The two walked into the room, fully. Harry set his bag on the table and Draco set his down on the bed. "Ready to unpack?" The brunet asked. 

"That I am Harry dear, however we need some music." Draco then walked over to the living room-ish area over to his muggle record player, and placed one of the records on it. After a few seconds of toying with the stylist until it started to play an upbeat song. 

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