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When Draco wakes up the next morning, Harry is still sleeping peacefully, his head resting on Draco's chest, Draco's arms around Harry's waist. They both have a few hours until the students arrive so Draco doesn't bother to wake Harry, he just looks at him sleeping peacefully, looking as though there isn't a single thing wrong in the world. 

Draco isn't sure how long he lays there, watching the boy he has loved for years, sleeping peacefully by his side. Eventually Harry starts to stir, he stretches his arms around him before opening his eyes, making little dinosaur noises that Draco adores very much. 

When Harry does open his eyes, he looks straight to Draco looking down at him, smiling. Harry lifts up his head and kisses Draco on the lips. "Morning." the brunet mumbles when the two pull away. Harry then sits up and crawls over to the end of the bed, his arse out on show - he is wearing his trousers don't worry buds-, causing Draco to whistle as the sight. Harry turns around and fake glares at him, before getting up, yawning and scratching his head, and walking over the the bathroom. 

Draco too get's up then, moving to the little kitchen and putting on the kettle. Draco cast's a tempos while he waits for the water to boil, and finds out that it is already 1pm. Draco then walks over the cupboard and takes out two mugs, and some tea. the kettle starts to whistle, and Draco pores the boiling water into the two mugs. He adds milk to Harry's, and honey to his own. He then places them at the table, and just that moment Harry walks out of the bathroom, his hair wet and a towel around his waist. 

"Thank you." the brunet says looking towards the two cups of tea, Draco doesn't say anything but he does kiss Harry again, then walks into the bathroom so that he can get ready for the day. 

Draco uses the loo and then he turns on the shower, making sure it is worm enough before stepping in. When he get's in the warm water surrounds his body giving him a moment of calm before he pulls out his shampoo and conditioner. 

The blond starts with shampoo like any sane human being does, and then washes it out quickly. He then adds his conditioner, and as that takes its few minutes to do its magic, he pulls out his vanilla scented body wash and gives himself a good lather. Once he has washed off the body wash, and washed out the conditioner he turns off the water, and wraps a towel around his waist as he brushes his teeth, and washes his face. 

It takes him a whole 15 minutes to do all of this, and by the time he is out Harry has already read through about half of his newspaper. Draco walks over to the chest of drawers and pulls out some pants, and trousers casting them with a few un-wrinkle spells so that he looks nice and pristine. He then pulls out a fancy dress shirt, but doesn't put it on. He has many hours to wait until he has to get dressed for everyone, and every moment that he doesn't have to be all dressed up he shall cherish. And it's not like he is trying to impress anyone, sure Harry is there, but they love together now, it's not like they have just started to date, and are learning completely new things about each other. 

When Draco is half dressed he walks over to the table, and his welcomed by a pleasant surprise that Harry had casted a warming spell over his mug so that his tea wouldn't go cold. "Thank you Harry." 

"You're welcome. I know you well enough to know how long it takes you in the bathroom, and that you hate it when your tea gets cold. Plus it was the least I could do considering you made the tea in the first place." Harry smiles at Draco like he is the only person in the world to him, and Draco honestly loves it. He loves being the one to make the chosen one all happy, and all fluffy. Being the person he thinks about first when he wakes up in the morning , and being the person he thinks about last when going to bed. But Draco also loves being the person the name that gives Harry all that pleasure and who's name he screams out during climax. He loves knowing that there is no one else in the world that the chosen-golden-boy-who-can't-die chose him of all the people in the world. 

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