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For the next week and a half the letters between The blond and the raven haired boys were coming many times a day. Of course the two had been spending time with their families, however they both wished to be with each other notwithstanding that.

Christmas came and went quickly, Harry had to admit that he missed the Weasley's, and spending time with them. It just reminded him so much of when he was a kid and would come to see the Weasley's at break and in the summer. 

Draco got Harry a stuffed lion that had a Gryffindor coloured scarf. Draco would never admit this, but the lion didn't come with the Scarf. Draco had is mum teach him how to knit just so he could personalize the gift for Harry. Harry loved the gift.

Harry got Draco a book of muggle fairytales that Harry himself had enjoyed at a kid. He wrote on the inside of the cover ' I hope you enjoy these, they were some of my favourites when I was a kid, love Harry'. Draco then spent the next few days when he wasn't with his mother reading through the book. He had to admit he did love the tale of Beauty and the Beast.

On Christmas Draco was very confused when he saw that his mother had a letter from Harry. When he asked his mother about it she said that 'Harry and i have been sending Christmas letters back and forth since 1998 hun, have you really never noticed?' Draco was really confused about that, but since Narcissa had just walked away after that he decided not to press on it.

A week and a half is how long they spent away from each other. They both decided to go back a few day's early so that they could prepare some their classes, but mostly because they wanted to see each other sooner rather than later. 

So, Harry packed his bags, said goodbye to the Weasley's and his son Albus -Who still had a few days before he needed to come back-, promised to come back soon and apparated away.

Harry ended up at Hogsmeade, so he pulled out his wand and cast his bags to levitate, then started walking towards the castle. After the short walk to the castle, Harry went straight to his room, set everything down and then sat in one of the chairs in his room. 

Harry only wanted a few moments to relax, and a few moments was all that he got due to the fact that after a few minutes of sitting down there was tapping on his window. Harry let the owl into his room which flew to his desk and stood their waiting for Harry to take the letter. The letter was -unsurprisingly- from Draco, and it stated that he would be at the castle at 12pm sharp, and that he should take the bird to the owlery and feed it. 

Harry sighed, stood up, and the owl flew onto Harry's shoulder. The two of them walked to the owlery quietly, not being stopped by anyone or anything. 

When they got to the owlery, Harry fed and pet the bird, then left the room. Harry walked back down to his room, however he was stopped a few times from the students and staff to ask him how his Christmas break was and whatnot. Harry tried to be cheerful, and tried not to act like he was trying to get away from the conversations (although he totally was). It took Harry a while to get away from everyone, but when he finally did he played down on his bed face down. 

After what seemed like a five minute nap, Harry sat up and cast a tempus. 


Harry groaned and got up. His head felt like hell, he didn't understand how four and a half hours could pass so quickly. That's when Harry remembered Draco was back from his Christmas break. 

Harry was fully awake now as he left his room and walked down the hall to where Draco's room was located. Harry had a cheesy smile on his face as he knocked on Draco's door and waited for him. 

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