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A knock on the door is what woke up the two Hogwarts Professors at half five in the morning. The knock was rapped, and when no one answered after 2 seconds, there was another knock. 

Draco sighed and stood up, it wasn't until he was halfway to the door he even realized he wasn't wearing any clothing. The blond let out a small mumble of curse words before grabbing a blanket off of the back of the couch and wrapped it around himself before he opened the door.

"What?" He asked before he even had the door fully opened, not bothering to look at who was outside the door. 

"That's no way to speak to me Mr. Malfoy." Minerva said, and walked into the room uninvited. 

"Draco who is it?" Harry asked, sitting up. "Oh, hello Head Mistress, what do we owe the pleasure to?" 

"I am here to talk to Draco." She replied. 

"Of course." Harry replied awkwardly, suddenly realising both him and Draco were completely naked, only covered by blankets. "Head Mistress, do you mind if you er.. step out of the room for  a moment, I'm afraid that neither Draco nor I are well... dressed. " 

"Oh, goodness yes, I will be right outside, but please Potter, Malfoy" She looked at the two of them, "Dress quickly." She then walked out the door. 

The two both then scrambled around the room to pull on their clothing, getting dressed in less than a minute. When the two were dressed Harry went to turn on the kettle, and Draco opened the door again for Minerva. "Sorry about that" he apologized. 

"It's just alright, I am aware that I have come unexpected. Now Draco, you might want to sit down." She said. 

The two of them sat on the couch and Harry brought over the tea pot, some mugs, milk, and a jar of sugar lumps. Harry placed it down on the coffee table and proceeded to sit next to Draco on the couch -across from Minerva- and took Draco's hand in his own. "Everything alright Headmistress?" The chosen one asked. 

"I'm afraid not boys. Now Draco, this is a family matter, do you want Harry involved?" She asked him, turned straight towards the blond. 

"Of course," Draco responded immediately, not even thinking about it, "Harry is my family, and he has every reason to be apart of this." 

Harry smiled, at that, hearing Draco talk about how much he loved him couldn't help but make Harry feel his heart swell three sizes. 

"As long as you're sure." She replied, uncertainty still visible in her voice and in her face. "Draco, I regret to inform you that your father is getting out of prison soon." Her voice was calm, and she was patient, waiting for whatever was to come next. 

"But he isn't to get out for 6 years!" Draco exclaimed, but not too loudly as he didn't want to awaken any of his fellow staff. 

"He is getting out on good behaviour I'm afraid." She replied. 

Harry could feel Draco fuming, however he just put down his tea and wrapped his arms around the other, holding him in place to let him know that he is here for him, and also that if he does anything stupid towards Minerva he is right here and will not hesitate to send a curse his way. 

Minerva looked at the two boys in front of her, thinking about how when Harry put his arms around Draco he relaxed into him, taking comfort in his presence.  She couldn't help but smile, thinking back to when the two boys were in school and would always be fighting are now in love, and putting enough trust in the other to be able to relax and know that the other won't send any curses at the other. 

"You should know Mr Malfoy that we have you completely protected against anything that your father could be sending your way. You are completely safe." Minerva gave him a small smile and then stood up. "It's still early, you two should go back to bed, sleep well." And with that the head mistress stood up and let herself out of the room. 

Hogwarts Professorsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें