T W E N T Y - T W O

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Just a note before we get back into it (i know, I'm sorry). I had to change something in the last chapter about Hermione, basically, she had the twins, they're named Fred and Rose. Anyway, enjoy.

"uuuhhhhh." Draco started. "We can explain." 

"So you two are together?" Asked Emma after she had taken a moment to take this all in. 

"Yes, but you can't tell anyone." answered Harry quickly. "We are planning to tell everyone in a few weeks, so please Emma, just keep it to yourself, until then. Can you do that?" The darker skinned man practically begged. 

"I.. I can do that." Emma said thinking it through for a moment. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you." Draco said immediately, and let out a sigh of relief. "Seriously Emma, thank you." 

"You're welcome, it's no big deal anyway, it is only a couple of weeks right?" She joked. Emma honestly was thrilled to find out her favourite teacher (Draco) and Harry were together. "Oh, this is for is for you, and Professor Potter, I was just about to bring you yours, but since you are here." She pulled out her wand and accio'd Harry's card. "Here you are." and then she handed them to the two men. 

They were just simple Christmas Cards, but they lovely none the less. "Thank you Emma." Harry said smiling. 

"No problem, I should go hand the rest of them out, have a Happy Christmas professors." Emma then left the classroom, leaving Harry and Draco finally time to relax their shoulders. Draco started laughing first, Harry joining in not too long after. 

"I love you Harry." said Draco, still laughing slightly. 

"I love you too Draco, now let's go get our things together so we can get to mine." Draco just nodded and followed Harry out of his classroom, making sure to lock it up behind the two. They walked side by side down the halls, still laughing occasionally chatting. "Okay but her face was priceless, you could tell she wasn't sure how to react or if she should've just walked back out the room." 

"It really was hilarious." answered Draco, walking into their room- flat- thing, and thanking Harry for holding the door open. "Okay so now what?" 

"Get our shit together, meet with Albus, and then apparate back to number 12." Harry answered and then grabbed a backpack that had an undetectable extension charm in it (Hermione's handiwork of course). He started to pack some of his things that he would need, including some clothing, a few stacks of parchment that needed to be graded, and also a muggle digital camera that Harry was going get developed. 

Draco also grabbed some things and put them in his briefcase (because this is Draco we are talking about), and then the two headed down to the front entryway to meet with Albus. They were in luck because Albus was already there waiting. 

"Dad, I was wondering if I could take the train with my friends?" The boy asked nervously. 

"Of course, any particular reason as to why?" Draco answered for Harry. 

"uhh, no, not really." Albus stuttered, but he was lying. He wanted to ride the train with his friends yes, but he also wanted to spend some more time with the Gryffindor Simon that he was crushing on. 

"Are you sure? Doesn't have that boy you told us about a few months ago?" Harry teased, but made sure to keep his voice quiet so that nobody else heard. 

"Maybe it does, but you've already given me permission, so I will see you in a few hours at Kings Cross?" 

"Yep, we'll see you there. Love you." Harry shouted as Albus started to walk away.

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