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The next few weeks were uneventful. February started, and was now about half way through. To be precise it was February 11th, 3 days before the muggle holiday 'Valentines Day'. A day for celebrating one's love for another. The weather was still freezing, and the groundhog predicted 6 more weeks of winter. However Draco didn't understand this because it was either 6 more weeks of winter, or 6 weeks left until spring. The same thing just said differently. 

 If Harry was being honest, he was quite excited for the upcoming holiday. He was going to teach his classes about Pixies, and how they play with people's loves. Also, he was looking forward to spending it with Draco. 

The two weren't officially dating even though both boys wanted to be. Draco was in love with Harry -and had been for quite an amount of years now- and Harry was falling hard for the boy, quickly. 

Draco was excited for Valentines day for similar-isa reasons. Draco was teaching his students on love potions, but that wasn't all. At midnight on February 15th (my birthday lolol) he was going to ask Harry to be his official boyfriend. 

He had it all planned out. He was going to make Harry the mashed potatoes that he loved so dearly, but he was going to give them to the house elves so that they will bring them to the Great Hall, that way it would be keeping everything less suspicious. 

The two boys had talked about getting together, hell they practically were, and they had decided that they wouldn't tell the student's. It wasn't their business, and honestly the two thought it would be a lot less drama if they just didn't tell anyone. 

Currently they were in Draco's room sitting on the couch making out watching a film when they were interrupted by a knock on the door. The two sighed, and Harry walked to the door with Draco but hid beside it as they weren't sure who it was. Not that anyone would question them hanging out... but they would question both of their swollen lips and messy hair. 

Draco opened the door. "Um hello Mr. Potter. What can I do for you?" Draco said in his most monotone Snape like voice he could, and not looking away from Albus. Harry took that as his turn to go to the bathroom as quietly as he could. 

"I had a question about you and my dad." Harry could hear his son say from the bathroom. 

"Whatever it is, i'm sure you can ask your father," 

"He won't tell me anything."

"Okay, what is your question?" Draco asked still sounding monotone/

"I want to know if you and dad are together?" 

"Well, we are not. We are only friends." Harry was surprised that Draco could keep his voice so calm when Harry could tell that Draco was not calm. 

"Then why is your hair messy and lips swollen?" Albus questioned. 

"Because I was laying down and eating spicy peppers."

When Harry heard this he did a non verbal spell to mess up the bed and but some half eaten peppers beside it. Which Draco was going to have to thank him later. 

"I don't believe you. You don't get swollen lips from hot peppers. Also who even eats hot peppers as a snack?"

"Mr. Potter it is not your place to question me on what i do in my spare time. And if i am correct it is nearly curfew and the walk to the dungeons is not as short as it may seem. Goodnight Mr. Potter." Then Draco closed the door before Albus could say anything else. 

Harry walked out into Draco's view who had turned around to look at Harry. 

"Well done Potter, good quick thinking." Draco laughed.

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