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When Draco and Harry got to the Great Hall that morning they were grinning like idiots. Last night after their little make-out session Harry and Draco were cuddling when Harry fell asleep, Draco fell asleep not too long after. 

When they woke up the next morning they were curled up together on the couch. Draco had his arms wrapped around Harry's torso, with his face in Harry's hair snoring softly. Harry had a massive grin on his face. 

Harry quietly grabbed his wand -which was on the floor beside the couch- and mumbled Tempus. The time read 7:45am. Harry groaned and rolled over so that his and Draco's faces were right beside each other. Harry kissed Draco softly, when Draco kissed back Harry pulled away and mumbled "Good Morning." 

"Well it's good because you're here." Draco replied. Draco then stretched out and yawned, causing Harry to also yawn (and me lmao).

Harry and Draco sat up. "The time is 7:45am" Harry said. 

"Okay, well that means that breakfast starts in 15 minutes, and I need to get dressed. How about I meet you at your door in 10 minutes?" Draco asked.

"Sounds good." Harry smiled even more (if that were possible). The two stood up, Harry gave Draco one last final kiss than walked over to the chair he was sitting at earlier to grab his blazer. "See you in 10!" Harry called walking out of the room. 

Harry ran down the hall to his room so he could get dressed and brush his teeth. 

~ ~ ~ 

When Harry closed the door, Draco grinned to himself, shot his fists in the air and quietly yelled "YES!"

Draco then ran to his wardrobe and pulled out his robes, quickly changed into them, then went into the bathroom. His hair was a mess, so after he used the loo, and brushed his teeth he got started on it. He combed it, but decided not to gel it like h usually did. 

When Draco was done, he put on his shoes then rand down the hall to Harry's room, and stood outside the door for a moment before knocking. When Harry answered the door fully dressed Draco asked "Ready?" Harry just nodded and they walked down the hall together silently for a few minutes before Harry spoke. 

"Thank you for last night."

"No problem, it was fun." Draco replied. 

"Man those mashed potatoes were soooooo good!" Harry then said after a moment. Causing Draco to laugh. 

"They were pretty good weren't they?" 

"Good?! They were brilliant. I wish I could transfigure them into a person so I could take them to Vegas and marry them." Harry replied, causing Draco to laugh harder. 

"So i take that as I am going to have to teach you how to make them?" 

"I would rather you make them for me..." Harry looked up at Draco. 

"Oh..." Draco smiled. "That can be arranged."

 The two then walked into the Great Hall grinning like idiots and took a seat beside each other. Draco on Harry's left, Hermione on Harry's right. 

"So... how was dinner?" Hermione asked the two of them. 

"How do you know about that?" Harry asked. Causing both Hermione and Draco to laugh. "Did you tell her?" Harry asked Draco.

"No, however both of us were absent from the table last night. People must have noticed Potter." 

"Oh." Harry felt like an idiot. 

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