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The next morning, the two got up early and moved around the room doing their morning routines. Harry went to shower quickly while Draco made them tea. Draco made the tea the muggle way because in his opinion it tastes better. When he was done making tea, he set the both under a warming spell, and at that moment Harry had gotten out of the bathroom.

Draco gave Harry a kiss then walked into the steamy bathroom that Harry had just left. He quickly undressed and got into the shower, cleaning himself, and washing his hair. It didn't take him very long to shower, and when he got out Harry was now dressed in his robes and sitting at the table sipping his tea. 

Draco got dressed, this year when he went to get his robes he asked for a similar style to Snape's, and he spent a tonne of time walking around the manor swishing his robes, trying to achieve the same amount of dramatic thrill that Snape had. One time his mother walked into his room while he was doing this, and she laughed for hours. The memory of that made Draco smile, he loved his mother and was glad that she was getting better after his dad had left for Azkaban. 

Draco sat across from Harry also sipping his tea. "It tastes wonderful love. Thank you." Harry said after a moment. 

"I made it the muggle way, always tastes better." 

Harry let out a small moan of agreement, and took another sip of his tea. 

"So you ready for this year?" Draco asked.

"I am, bit nervous as usual but it's all fine. How about you?" 

"Im excited, but I'm also nervous."

" I hope you know that the students are going to like me better than they like you."

"You wish Potter."

"Oh Draco, I know that they will. They will be like 'Professor Potter is so cool, he makes classes so awesome and Professor Malfoy is all scary in his robes, and makes classes so boring because Potions is the worst class ever.'" 

"Oh you wish, really they are going to be like. 'Oh my god, I love Potions, class is always so exciting and stuff, and Professor Potter makes all of his classes so boring, like who wants to learn about werwolves and Obscurial. Let's not forget that Professor Malfoy is much more attractive than Professor Potter.'"

"Draco! That is not true, I am much more attractive than you." 

"Oh Harry, you wish you were but that's not true. I am the attractive one, Malfoy's are gorgeous."

"I would like to disagree to that last statement. I would never bang your dad the same way I bang you, or at all really." 

"That is such a bad mental image Harry, oh sweet Salazar Slytherin please obliviate me."

"You know, I think I know a guy who is really good with that sort of charm." Harry joked remembering that time with Gilderoy Lockhart in the chamber of secrets. 


"Professor Lockhart, that's who."

At this Draco put down his tea. "Wait are you serious?" 

"Yup, and I will tell you all about it, " Harry glanced in the direction of a clock, "When we get to the Great Hall, breakfast is about to start." 

The two stood up and started walking down to the Great Hall, and it wasn't until they were sitting that Harry told Draco about his and Ron's time in the chamber of secrets and how if it weren't for Ron's broken wand, Both him and Ron would be in St Mungo's instead of Gilderoy. 

Draco was shocked for a few moments, as was Neville. Hermione however had heard the story once in the past, and wasn't all that chocked about it. 

"How come you never told me about that?" Draco asked quietly, just so that Harry could hear. 

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