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The weeks went by quickly, the to men lived together until the end of summer, changing the plans to have Draco leave when Albus came, Albus came round for the last week of summer, they still went to brunch with the Weasley's every Sunday, and everything was going just swimmingly.

Even though Draco and Harry were still keeping their relationship on the DL, they went into Diagon Alley together, Harry needing to bring Albus so he could get his new books, and Draco so that he could get some potions ingredients for the next few months, since it won't be until Christmas time when he was actually have time to go back down and restock. 

The two men parted ways, promising to meet up in an hour at the leaky cauldron. Harry and Albus went up the street while Draco went down. 

"So albus, excited for your second year?" Harry asked his son, while pulling out the list of things Albus will need for the next year.

"Yeah! I am really excited, plus I really miss my friends." 

"Well, it's only a few day's now before you get to take the Hogwarts express!"

"I can't wait!" 

The two then continued to walk down the street, stopping at flourish and bolts to grab all the books, they grabbed a few more things, including new robes because Albus had out-grown his old ones, then they started to walk back down the street to grab some potions ingredients before they met Draco at the leaky cauldron. 


Draco was sitting in the leaky cauldron when Harry and Albus walked in. 

"Hello Mr. Potter's." Draco greeted smiling.

"Why hello Mr. Malfoy. Do you mind if we join you?" Harry was also smiling. 

Albus rolled his eyes and mumbled "Just get married why don't you."

Draco laughed and said "One day. No i do not mind if you two join me."

Harry turned red when he heard Draco say that one day they would be getting married, and that thought suddenly filled his mind, and he couldn't stop grinning. One day

Harry sat across from Draco, and Albus sat on the other side of the 3 sided table. 

"Why are you smiling like an idiot?" Draco asked the boy across from him. Draco couldn't help but think that Harry was the most beautiful human he had ever seen. Even though 'beautiful' was generically used for females, it was true. He was beautiful. His skin, the colour of delicious chocolate, his eyes, the colour of emeralds, his smile, so bright it could save the world. 

" 'One day.' " Was all he said, and continued grinning. 

"It's true, one day you and I will get married and it will be lovely." Draco responded keeping his voice low so that no-one else in the busy restaurant could hear. 

Albus rolled his eyes again, but he couldn't lie he loved seeing his dad happy. "Okay, stop being all lovey-dovey it's making me sick."

"Sorry." The two adults replied in unison, and stopped talking about it, although they did continue to grin like idiots.

~ ~ ~ 

2 Days later Harry was rushing around making sure that Albus had everything that he needed. Albus was going off to Ginny's for the last night of the summer because the next day Harry needed to be at Hogwarts, a day before all the students. 

"Do you have it all?" Harry asked for the fifth time.

"Yes dad, calm down it's not like it's the end of the world if I forget a book or something."

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