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After their long embrace, Harry pulled Draco in for a kiss, since it had been so long since that had happened. "God I've missed you." Harry mumbled against Draco's lips for the millionth time that day. 

Draco pulled away and laughed. "I've missed you too Harry, now bring me upstairs so I can put this-" He gestured at all his things that had been dropped when Harry attacked him. "- away."

Harry laughed, then agreed to bring Draco's things upstairs. "Alright, but after that I am taking you on a tour of the house." 

Harry helped Draco bring his things upstairs. Then they started the tour. "Okay, now we are on the third floor. This is where you will be staying, and this is the bathroom." Harry pointed at the door on their left for the bedroom, and the door on the right for one of the many bathrooms. 

"Now if you follow me downstairs, you will come across another floor, more specifically the second floor. Now, on your left is Sirius' room, so let's just not go in there, just passed that is a spare room, across from the spare room is a closet, and beside the closet slash across from Sirius' room is another guest bedroom. 

"Now, down another flight of stairs here is the main floor, you are already fimiliar with the front door, now if you walk past here, careful not to knock over the umbrella stand, you will find the living room on your left." The two boys entered it. 

"Now, there is a telly but I only got that because Albus insisted that he needed a telly, and that using his imagination was over rated... well, he may not have said it as much as he meant it." 

"He really needed a telly? Why not read a book or anything?" 

"Because, like I said that would involve his imagination, and that is just too complex of a thought for him to understand." Harry laughed, along with Draco. 

"Okay where now?" Draco asked looking around the grim old place. 

"Well, if you follow me to you left yet again you will find the formal dining room, where people probably ate Christmas dinners together or something."

Draco laughed at that comment. "At the Manor we always eat like that, at least we did. Now that it's my mum and I we just tend to eat at the kitchen table. Also my mum says Hello."

Harry smiled when he heard that Narcissa said Hello. "Okay, well speaking of kitchens through this entryway again on your left is said kitchen. And as you walk in here you can see the hallway lead onto the room. How exciting. 

"This is where we will probably eat. I don't really see the point in eating in the dining room unless there are a tonne of people around and we need the extra room.

"Okay, now in-between the the stove and the fridge there is a door, that door leads to another bathroom, I'm not quite sure why but it does." Again Draco laughed. The blond was quite excited to be spending the next little while with the one that he loved. 

"Oh, and in the hallway-" Harry pointed to a door in the Hallway that was on their right, across the hall from the living room, "- that is the basement door, I'm not really sure what is down there, but it spooks me so I've decided not to look." Harry said shyly getting quieter as he went on. 

Draco wrapped his arms around Harry "Don't worry, Potter. I will protect you from whoever evil thing lies down their." 

Harry chuckled, "My hero, thank you." he swooned putting his hand on Draco's chest. The two of the laughed together. They seemed to always be doing that, laughing that is. They just seemed to enjoy each other's company. 

"Okay now come on, we are going to watch Doctor Who on the telly." Harry said dragging Draco to the couch which was surprisingly more comfortable than it looked. 

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