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It was the day that everyone who was leaving, was leaving. Harry told Albus that they were to meet outside the fourth cart when they get to London. Harry decided that for old time's sake he was going to take the train. Harry somehow convinced Draco to take the train too, so that's what the boy's were doing. They were meeting outside of Harry's room. 

Draco knocked on the door, Harry answered and there they were, the two grown men standing with their suit cases. 

"Scared Potter?" Draco asked Harry for old time's sake.

"You wish." Harry replied, stepping out of his room, closing and locking the door. 

The two started to walk to doors when they were stopped by the Headmistress. "I heard rumours, but it's true! You two have finally decided to be friends!" 

"Headmistress, you've been sitting near us at every meal for the past few months, how could you not tell that we were friends?" Harry asked Minerva. 

"I just thought you two were being friendly for the sake of the children... then again you never did that in the past few years, so I guess it makes sense that that's not what you two would have been doing." McGonagall mumbled the last part to herself.

"Well, we have to catch the train, however I hope you have a brilliant and wonderful holiday Minerva." Draco said. He grabbed Harry's arm and started to drag him out the door.

"You too boys!" She called out to them. 

The two walked to Hogsmeade station talking quietly about Quidditch.

"My house is going to win, you know that right Potter?" Draco asked Harry, flirting slightly. 

"You wish Malfoy, my house wins every time, and we both know it's going to win this time too." Harry replied cockily. 

"Yeah Potter, and my natural hair colour is brown." Draco replied rolling his eyes. 

"What?" Harry wasn't sure what that had meant. 

"I'm being sarcastic." Another eye roll from Draco, " My natural hair colour isn't actually brown - what a shock that would be huh?- and your house isn't actually going to win the Quidditch game." 

"Ohhhhh." Harry said, now that he understood what Draco meant. 

For the third time, Draco rolled his eyes. 

The two teacher's continued to walk to Hogsmeade station, and when they got their, they walked to the front of the train, because they knew not many -if any- student's would be there, and took a seat across from each other in one of the seemingly endless compartments. 

"So what are you doing this Christmas break Malfoy?" Harry asked. 

" I'm just going to see my mum, she is learning to cook." (with the help of the house elves lmao sorry Cissy but you suck at cooking)

"Is that so?" 

"Mhmm, I'm excited to see her, it's been a while."

"Same with me and the Weasley's."

"Speaking of the Weasley's, why do you always go to them for Christmas?" 

"Because they've been the closest thing to family I've had since fifth year." 

"Fifth year?" Draco questioned. 

"Yeah, my god father Sirius Black -You know that guy who escaped from Azkaban in our third year. He died thanks to your aunt when the DA went to the ministry. You know all that prophecy stuff i'm sure."  

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