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Twenty minutes later, the two men were showered (separately you nasty's) and dressed. They made their way downstairs into the kitchen where Hermione was sitting at the table talking to Ron who was across the room making the pancakes that they never got to making. Harry instantly went to set the table, meanwhile Draco loitered at the door, unsure of what he was to do.  

"Oh Draco, stop looking so lost by the door and come sit with me, honestly Ron and I won't bite." Hermione said as soon as she noticed Draco was just standing there. Draco nodded and walked over to Hermione, siting down on the chair beside her. 

"So, girl or a boy?" Draco queried when he noticed how big Hermione was getting. She smiled at him before replying. 

"Both, however that's not what we are hear to talk about." She hummed. 

"Wait, 'mione you're pregnant??" Harry quizzed looking up from where he was on the opposite side of the kitchen, grabbing some plates. 

Hermione, Ron, and Draco laughed together for a solid 3 minutes before anything else could be said. 

"Goodness Harry, it look's like i swallowed a planet, how could you have not noticed in the past few months?" 

Harry just shrugged, "I guess i'm not all that observant." 

"Harry, love; a frog isn't very observant, you are completely oblivious to everything and everyone." Draco chimed in. 

"Not true!" 

"Very true" Ron added to the conversation. 

After a moment of not saying anything, Harry looked back over to Hermione and wondered aloud "So what is it you wanted to talk about?" 

"Right, we were just checking in on you because you said you couldn't stay yesterday, now i can see why," She laughed, "However remember that there is no way in merlin Molly is going to let you skip Sunday also, and you know this. So Draco," She turned to look at him, "You are coming to family brunch this Sunday, you have no choice and don't worry the whole family already know about you and Harry, and no-one hold's any judgment towards you, so don't feel awkward about being there. Everyone is actually looking forward to you coming." 

As Hermione said this, Ron brought the stack of American stayed pancakes to the table, Harry grabbed some butter, and syrup and everyone then dug in. 

No one said anything for a while as they were eating and it's rude to talk with your mouth open, until Draco thought something. "Wait, Albus is going to be there, if I am Harry's plus one then he will know something is up." 

Hermione smiled knowingly "Oh Draco, don't worry he already know's something is up, everyone does. And although you don't need to admit it to anyone at work, remember what i said about 10 seconds ago, the whole family already know's what's up. So relax and don't stress." 

"Okay." Draco smiled, and thought about the brunch. He was excited and nervous to say the least. Although he knew that Hermione said no one holds anything against him, he still felt that he should be worried. This was meeting Harry's parent's, and although it wasn't necessary as Harry was an adult, their approval was important to the both of them. 

"Well, we should be off. That's all we really came to say. It was nice seeing you Harry, and you too Draco." Hermione smiled at the two of them, and gave them hug's. 

"Goodbye Harry, Draco." Ron also smiled, giving Harry a hug, and shaking Draco's hand. 

"Goodbye!" The two boy's said in unison, waving goodbye as the brunet's friends apparated away back to the Burrow, which is where Harry assumed they were staying. 

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