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"We missed you two yesterday." Hermione smiled at the two men when they walked into the Great Hall.

"We were sleeping." Draco replied sitting next to Harry who was on Hermione's right. 

"I know. I went to go check on you two and found you both asleep on the couch." Hermione smiled, then took a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"Why did you come looking for us 'Mione?" Harry asked as he grabbed his usual breakfast.

"Because you both had missed dinner the same day that the article had come out. Naturally I was a little bit worried, however I left as soon as I knew that you two were okay." Hermione smiled. "You two are adorable, has anyone told you two that recently?" 

"I believe someone just has actually." Draco responded laughing, the other two quickly joining in. 

"So what do you have in-store for today?" Hermione asked. 

"Well, it's Hogsmeade weekend isn't it?" Draco asks looking at Harry however he obviously had no idea it was even the weekend. 

"It is yes." Hermione answered. 

"Well then, I am going to drag Harry to the Three Broomsticks. Would you like to join us?" Draco responds. 

"That sounds brilliant. Mind if I bring Ron? Hermione asks. 

"Of course not." Draco responds then he turns to Harry to see if he agrees with the plans.

"I'm in." Harry says then begins to eat. Draco rolls his eyes but laughs softly, then starts to eat his yogurt. 


An hour later The two men are waiting at a side door near the Charms classroom for Hermione. They are all going to walk together and meet Ron there. 

Draco was excited now that he and the Weasley got on better and were actually able to classify their relationship as friends. The two were just chatting when Hermione finally arrived. She was wearing her coat already as apposed to Harry who was holding his coat in his arms. "Ready?" Hermione asked when she showed up.

Harry looked at Draco who nodded, then Harry responded "Yeah." and the three then head off. They exited the building, Harry putting on his coat as they were walking down the grounds. As they were walking down they spotted Hagrid and said quick Hello's. They then continued on their journey to the Three Broomsticks. 

It took them about 20 minutes, all chatting quietly until they arrived. Draco held the door open for both Hermione and Harry, they both thanked him and Harry gave him a lingering smile that if anyone were around would definitely notice something.

Ron was already sitting down at a table in the back. He stood up when he saw the three Hogwarts staff enter. He smiled and walked over, firstly he gave Hermione a giant hug even though it had been about a week since they last saw each other. He then gave both Harry and Draco hugs (although Harry's was much longer lasting), then they all sat down, Harry sat down beside Ron, Draco across form Harry, and Hermione across form Ron and beside Draco. 

Very quickly they had ordered their drinks (all Butterbeer) and had all gotten some chips to go with the meal. 

"So how are things going Malfoy?" Asked Ron looking across the table to his brother in law. 

"It's going well, how about you Weasley? How is the joke shop? How is George doing?" 

"I am doing well, joke shop is booming but everyone knows this, and George, well he is George." Ron replied, saying the last part a bit glumly. Ever since Fred died, George hasn't been the same, everyone understands that what he is feeling is okay however whenever they say they know how he is feeling, he will turn them away. George hasn't smiled in a long time, not truly.

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