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The first week past, then two, and then a month. The saying goes that time flies when you're having fun, and that was true for Draco and Harry. The two were really enjoying teaching this year, maybe it was because they were living together full time, and they were able to bounce their ideas off each other, or because the students seemed to really be enjoying this year, so they were making it more enjoyable. It could be due to Albus coming round for lunch once a week with Harry and Draco, getting in more bonding time between the three of them. But whatever it was, it was making this year feel like the best year yet. However, there is another saying about how good things are usually too good to be true. 

Draco sat on her right, with Harry beside him at the end of the table. She looked over to them, and smirked noticing a hickey on Draco's lower neck, but decided not to say anything as that would take away all of the fun. 

The two started chatting with Hermione, and got started on their breakfasts -Pancakes- and it wasn't until about twenty minutes later when the post came that things started to go wrong in their seemingly perfect relationship. 

Draco always got the Daily Prophet, even though he didn't believe half of what was in it. When he received the paper from his owl, and untied the folding he immediately wished he hadn't. On the front page was Draco and Harry kissing on their bed, only about half dressed. 

Draco shrank away from the paper, trying to stay calm but it was a little bit hard with all the students in the Great Hall looking up at him, and Harry. Hermione noticed Draco's reacting straight away, and grabbed his paper, looking at it and mumbling an 'Oh no'. Harry only now looked up from his pancakes, looking at Draco's worried face. 

The Prophet, that's what's wrong Harry, look at this obviously fake photo. Honestly who would even own that bedding?" Hermione replied a little too loudly, making sure that people at the front of their tables were able to hear her. She rolled her eyes, and handed him the paper with a look that said 'If you say anything to give yourself away, I am not helping you out of it.

"What a load of rubbish." Harry agreed, with Hermione, using the little amount of acting skills that he had. "I agree, what rubbish bedding, you can make out the little snakes on it, if that's supposed to be my room why would I have such awful bedding?" 

Draco shot Harry a glare. That was his bedding that he insisted they use because when Harry moved in, the room was far too Gryffindor for his taste. "It doesn't even look that real." Neville says from behind them, holding his own copy as he walks up to the empty seat beside Hermione. "Like, I am being honest whoever photo-shopped it didn't do very well. Plus they didn't actually put your faces in it, just because they say it's you in the title doesn't actually mean it."

"I mean, 'The chosen one's chosen one' is a pretty bad name I gotta admit." Draco laughed, the others joining in, but they aren't faking it, they genuinely thought that it was a bad title. 

"Come on you lot, don't let a fake article distract you from your teaching duties." Poppy Pomfrey chimed in, standing up at the other side of the table, and putting on her read sweater that was on the back of her chair. 

Hermione, Harry, Neville, and Draco all stood up also, getting themselves ready for a day of teaching, but also a day of denying Draco and Harry being in a relationship. They all left the Great Hall together, walking down the hall, as they were all about to split up, Hermione pulled Draco aside, Harry of course also coming making sure that everything was alright. Because of what had just happened in the Great Hall, she couldn't let him walk into his classroom with a notable hickey. 

"You boys never learn do you?" Hermione mumbled as she pulled out her wand and cast a healing spell on where the Hickey is.

"Thank you Hermione." Draco said awkwardly. 

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