Season 1||Chapter 1

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No ones POV

It's been 3 weeks since the Anubis gang graduated high school and put an end to the mysteries.

KT had left and gone back to America, she said goodbye to her friends from Anubis and joined a college in her hometown.

The rest of the gang - Fabian, Alfie, Eddie, Patricia, Jerome, Joy, Willow, Mara - had started to look at different colleges around England.

Of course Eddie stayed in England to be with Patricia, they are applying to the same college as soon as they find one they both love. And knowing those two - they never really agree on the same things.

Jerome and Joy were still together and going strong, they had planned to go to the same college too. As did Alfie and Willow.

Mara and Fabian's relationship didn't last. They both didn't feel a spark and agreed to be friends after 2 weeks because it was to wierd to be in a relationship, especially when Fabian still wasn't over Nina.

Mara wasn't over Mick either. Even though it had been almost 2 years.

Mick had returned from Australia and started seeing Mara again. They had been in touch since Mick left but no one really knew nor did they care.

Little did the Anubis gang know, Amber and Nina had been staying in touch since Amber went to fashion school in America.

They had become the bestfriends they once had been and stayed in touch all the time.

Nina still loved Fabian, she wasn't over him, she only said what she did in the letter because she felt bad to make Fabian wait for her. It was the right thing to do. She had to put his safety first.

She really needed to see him but she knew that while Eddie was the Osirian, she couldn't come back near him.

No one had told Nina or Amber that Eddie was no longer the Osirian, Nina has been able to come back to England but she just doesn't know it.

No one has heard or seen from victor since he suddenly abandoned Anubis, I guess he couldn't bare the thought of there actually being a normal year at Anubis without Sibuna.

Nina's POV

What shall I wear today? I need to look half decent since I'm meeting Amber other wise she will take me on yet ANOTHER shopping spree that I can't afford because I haven't got "daddy's credit card".

I laughed to myself. I decided to wear denim jeans with a USA tank top and with a checkered long sleeve shirt over the top and wore converse shoes. Saying I love America would be an understatement.

And I put my hair down with loose waves in my dirty blonde hair. I went to put my locket on that Sarah gave me many years ago when I first started Anubis but I forgot that I had given it to Eddie.

I still haven't gotten used to the fact that I haven't got it with me.

//Time Lapse to meeting Amber//

I was sat at the table outside of the café when a limo pulled up outside.

"Amber" I sighed quietly to myself and then chuckled. She got out and was wearing a bright pink knee length dress, white heels and curls in her platinum blonde hair.

She's literally a human Barbie doll. In a good way.

"Neens!!!" Amber yelled running to hug me. I stood up and hugged her back. How she didn't fall over in those heels - I don't have a clue.

"Hey Ambs!" I said. We walked back to the table I was sat at and she ordered her drink.

"So how have you been since the last time I saw you?" I asked her, we hadn't seen each other in about 2 weeks, "fashion stuff" was the excuse. It's the longest we've been apart since I left Anubis.

"I'm great!! I have met another 2 designers in the last few weeks, they love my fashion designs!" She spoke excitedly.

"That's amazing Amber! So what are you planning on doing next week?" I said, then we started talking and making plans for almost 3 hours!

We parted ways after her limo dropped me off at my flat. I lived on my own after graduating, my gran died 3 months ago, I miss her so much, she was the only family I had left, I moved out of my grans and bought my own apartment - even if it pained me to let go of the last place we spoke to each other.

I walked in to find 2 letters on my floor, one from HOA School and One from...Eddie!

Eddie? Oh how I miss him.

I decided to open the one from Eddie first, it said:

Dear Nina,

Hey Nina, it's Eddie, you don't know how much I miss you - as does Patricia, yes we are still together and couldn't be better.
I am writing because I am guessing you got a letter from the school!
That is because my father is getting a college built!! In the letter you will be asked if you want to come back to study for 4 years of college, and you can use the same scholarship you used in high school, (secondary school for the brits, ha). I'll just let you read the letter.

Anyways I wanted to let you know that you should really consider it Neens, i forgot no one told you: it's safe for you to come back because I'm not the Osirian anymore, I lost my powers because the Osirian died, it's too much to explain in a letter how it all happened, I will tell you in person when you come for college because I know you, Nina, I know you will come.

I think Fabian would be over the moon to see you! He missed you sooooo much, he almost killed me when I had to give him the letter about you, you owe me one! I mean, I did kind of lose the letter - but I found it again! Anyway, I'm going to have to stop writing I've wrote too much! We have lots to talk about, we, as in Sibuna, I know the Sibuna gang are all coming for college, even Amber!

We will be staying in Anubis house again! Just like old times.
Please consider and I'll hopefully see you soon, here's my new number and Patricia's if you want to talk,

P- 07364836154
Love you Neens,
Eddie and Patricia

Woahhh! Why didn't Amber tell me any of this earlier that she is going back for college?! I put Eddies and Patricia's number in my phone and messaged them both saying it was me. I opened the other letter from the school and it said exactly what Eddie had said it would say.

The school is opening in September and I have to contact the number to say if I'm going.

Of course I'm going! I'm not passing up the opportunity to see my friends! I contacted back and explained all the details etc.

I can't believe Eddie lost his powers, does that mean I have too? I would know if I did right?

And Fabian... I can't believe he almost hurt Eddie because I wasn't coming back. I feel so bad for leaving, but I just couldn't come back. I miss him. And I can't wait to see him, hopefully he still has feelings for me too..

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