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*Disclaimer- I don't own Naruto! Masashi Kishimoto does. So read, vote, comment!

*Karasu's pov*

We were almost to Konoha. About another hour and we should be there. We haven't had any trouble since Sasori and Deidara. It's been quite the rest of the trip but that's okay. When I get back, I'm going to rest. Unless I have to train with my team.

I didn't even realize it, but we made it to the gates while lost in thought. I showed the mission scroll and my ID the rest following suit and getting their passes. I sighed as we walked through the gates. "I have to go report to Lord Hokage. He will probably want to speak with you four as well." I say emotionlessly.

"Okay. Lead the way." Baki says.

I nod and walk towards the Hokage tower. I pull out my book to ignore everyone's whispers of me being related to Kakashi, it's just now going around that he's my dad. All the women are disappointed that he has a 'wife' though he doesn't, but they don't need to know that. Once we reached the Hokage tower we walked up the stairs. I knocked on his door and heard him say 'come in.' I slid the door open and walked with the others.

I placed my mission report on his desk and he slid over a bag of money. I put my book away and looked in it. I nodded a thanks to him. "Any trouble?" He asked.

"It's all down on the scroll. Now, I really want to go home and rest for a little while." I state bored.

"You can't do that just yet. Asuma asked me to send you to the training grounds once you returned." The Hokage says.

I sighed. "Hai Lord Hokage. Have a good day." I say and jump out the window. I heard him mutter something about people and windows.

I walked to the training grounds reading. I eventually made it there and saw Asuma-sensei, Shikamaru, Ino and Choji all laying on the ground sleeping. I laughed lightly, went up to them and laid in between Asuma-sensei and Shikamaru, and fell asleep.

-time skip-

I heard Ino's loud mouth scream about something. I sat up and saw that a bug was crawling on her. "Ino, calm down. It's just a bug." I say bored.

"Karasu? When did you get back?" She asks looking at me.

I looked up at the sky. "About an hour ago." I reply.

"Karasu, your back. How'd your mission go?" Asuma-sensei asked.

"It went well. Why'd you ask for me to come here when I got back?" I ask curiously.

"Ah, yes. To give you four these. Chūnin exams are coming up. I'm entering you guys. Though, Lord Hokage wants you to go in alone Karasu." Asuma-sensei says handing us our forms.

"What???" Ino yells.

"Why aren't*chomp* we going in *chomp* as a team?" Choji asks.

"How troublesome." Shikamaru sighs.

"Hmm. Okay." I reply taking the paper. I sign my name and put it in my pouch.

"Take them to the exams in four days. Everything is on the paper." Asuma says and disappears.

"Well I'll see you guys around. I'm going home." I say waving at my Team who are talking about some training tactics.

"Hey Karasu!" Ino yells. I turn to face her. "We should train together as an actual team, tomorrow. So we can come up with a team move. Never know when we're going to need it." She says.

"Good idea. Yeah, we can do that tomorrow." I say smiling. I then walk away.

I then hear a scream. I head towards the scream reading my book. I don't bother to look up from my book as I get to the entrance of the alley. "Karasu-chan!" Naruto and Sakura exclaim.

"Big sister Karasu, help Konohamaru! That mean cat is hurting him." Moji exclaims clinging onto my leg.

"Wha---?! How come she gets to touch you?" Naruto exclaims.

"Because, she's a child." I say putting my book away. I then peal Moji off my leg and walk towards Kankuro. "Put him down Kankuro." I say monotoned.

"Y-yes mama." He stutters and drops Konohamaru, at the same time a pebble hits his hand. "Pl-please don't te-tell Gaara." He stutters.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura squeals. I look to see Sasuke in a tree. Then I see Gaara behind the tree on a back branch. He smirks at me and I smirk back.

"She doesn't have to. Kankuro, you're an embarrassment to our village." Gaara says hanging underneath of Sasuke.

Tch, he's being a show off. I grumble in my head. I roll my eyes at him.

"G-Gaara." Kankuro stutters. "Th-this kid st-started it. I-I swear."

"Shut up. Or I'll kill you." Gaara says coldly. Everyone behind me shivers. I chuckle slightly.

"Well, I'm off. Don't kill anyone here Gaara. Or we'll have a go at it." I say deadly serious to him. He chuckles at me slightly.

"Of course Karasu. Besides, if we do anything before the exams then we're disqualified. Can't have that." He says to me. I nod and get ready to disappear in water.

"Hey boss! Why can't you be as cool as big sister Karasu? Or even teme Sasuke?" Konohamaru asks Naruto.

"Big sister Karasu?" Udon asks.

"Yes?" I turn and crouch at his height.

"Thanks for saving Konohamaru!" He yells hugging me. I stiffen and I can just hear Gaara snickering at me.

"Yeah! Thanks for saving me!" Konohamaru yells hugging me too, I stiffen even more.

I then decide to disappear in water. "It's nothing really. Now, stop touching me or I'll kill you all." I scowl as I sit on a tree branch. They all vigorously nod and then I disappear home.

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