Chapter 21

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Fionna's P.O.V

I sighed, I didn't know what to do. My body was exhausted from the night before with Marshall. I wonder if I am going to tell Cake what happened. She would probably kill Marshall if she found out. What are best sisters for?

I laughed a little, then I grabbed my stomach. I could feel something moving in my body. The pain felt like a thousand needles inside of me. I needed to throw up. I screamed out for help, but there was no answer. I laid down to ease the pain, but that didn't help. Tears fell from my face. No, I am not going to cry. I can handle this. My face rubbed up against my shirt and I tried to deal with the pain in my stomach.

Something was wrong, I needed to go to the hospital. What ever was happening in my stomach wasn't normal.

Marshall Lee's P.O.V

I know what kind of room this is. There is something behind that door, on the other side of this room, that someone doesn't want us to find out what it is. There is traps here and they were made to kill people.

"Cake, there are traps in this room. We need to be careful," I said to Cake.

"Yeah I noticed that," she said, trying to catch her breath.

"If I can get the right angle, I can get us pass these traps," I said.

"Do what you got to do," Cake said.

The chubby, stretchy cat sat on the floor exhausted. She yawned and stretched out her arms and legs. I looked at the walls and saw that if I make my way to the ceiling and half way through the fight I turned to the right I will be able to make it to the other side of the room, all in one piece.

"Cake come on," I said.

She sighed and stood up. I grabbed her hand and placed my arms around her. I put my feet on the floor and relaxed for a moment. Ready, Set, Go! I leaped off the floor and stayed on the top of the ceiling. I could hear the noises of arrows and razors going off. What a lovely sound. I turned my body to the turn in one motion and felt something hit my arm. I was to busy trying to get to the other side of the room that I didn't even noticed. Cake and I hit the floor.

"We made it!" She exclaimed.

I sat up and looked at my arm. One of the razors hit me in the arm to rip my shirt. The cut wasn't deep and I heal fast so it didn't bother me. I looked up at the silver door. It was shiny and it looked new.

"Here, I got this," Cake said.

She formed her hand into a key and open the door. This room was dark, there was only one light bulb in the room and it was flickering. I looked ahead to see someone laying there.

It was Fionna.

"Fionna!" I exclaimed.

Cake grabbed her from the room and brought her to us. Fionna was a mess, her hair was tangled and she was sweating all over, but she still looked beautiful.

"Something...something is wrong," she said slowly.

"What's wrong?" Cake asked.

"My stom... stomach. It hurts. Something is moving inside," Fionna said.

My eyes widened, what does this mean?

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