Chapter 37

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Fionna's P.O.V

-The Big Day-

I wake up with Cake shaking me.

"Fionna! Wake up! Now!" She yells.

"Five more minutes," I mumble.

"No! We have to get ready," Cake said.

"Fine, I'm up," I said.

I sit up and yawn.

"Come on Fionna. We don't have all day. The wedding starts at 7:00 tonight. We have to make sure that you look great," she said.

"If it starts at 7:00 tonight then why do I have to wake up early?" I asked.

"Fionna. It's 12:30 in the afternoon right now," Cake said.

"What!" I exclaim.

"I think you're waking up so later is because you haven't seen Marshall in 3 days. You have to remember that you can see the groom 3 days before the wedding because it is bad luck. You've been doing this for 3 days," Cake said.

"Yeah, I really miss him a lot. At least I get to see him today," I said with a smile.

"That's the spirit! Now go get a shower. Then we can do your hair," Cake said.

"Ok," I said walking to the bathroom.

I close the door to the bathroom and start undressing. I turn the nob of the shower and wait for the shower to warm up. Then I look in the mirror to see the scar of the spear that I fell on when I met Marshall. It reminds me of when we met and how he decided now to kill me. He saved me instead. I feel the water and it feels good enough. Time to take a shower.

-20 minutes later-

I come out of the shower and I wrap a red, worn out towel around me. I open the door to the bathroom to see Cake standing there.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Waiting for you. Now put this on," she said handing me a plain white dress folded up.

"What about my wedding dress?" I asked.

"You put that on last so it won't get dirty. This dress is comfortable so don't worry about being uncomfortable," she said.

I close the bathroom door again and unfold the dress. When I unfolded the dress a white bra and white underwear fall out. The dress was folded perfectly to hide those things. I put all of it on and open the door once again. Cake directs me to a blue chair in the middle of the room. I sit down and wait for more instructions.

"It's 1:15 right now so I'm going to have you eat something. That way you'll have your stomach satisfied. What do you want?" Cake asks.

"I know it's 1:15 right now, but how about bacon pancakes?" I asked Cake.

"Sure honey. I will be done in 20 minutes. Wait up here," she said.

Cake walks down the ladder and goes into the kitchen. I wait for her to make the bacon pancakes so I think about the wedding. Marshall and I decided to have it in the forest were we met. The cake was made by a bakery in the Candy Kingdom and it was beautiful. It was a 5-tier round cake, smallest at the top and biggest on the bottom. It was an all white cake with an edible black ribbon at the bottom of each round cake. Then was decorated with a black fondant damask design on each round cake. The dark red roses are placed on top of the cake with a few roses placed neatly on the rest of the cake. The flavor of each round cake is different. The bottom one is chocolate, the second one is vanilla, the third one is red velvet, the fourth one is marble, and the top one is butter pecan for the people who like nuts. It's a great looking cake and it matches the decor. The white chairs with be lined up in a line and the arch will be covered in white drapes with red roses placed randomly in the drapes.

"They're ready!" Cake exclaims.

Wow, that was fast. I came down the ladder quickly to see 4 bacon pancakes smothered in syrup. I grabbed my fork and stuffed my face with bacon pancakes. Oh my glob they were good. Less than 2 minutes they were gone.

"Wow that was fast!" Cake exclaims.

"I was really hungry," I said.

"Well wipe your face off and met me up stairs. We have to fix your hair," Cake said.

Cake climbed up the ladder and left me at the table. I looked at the clock and it was 1:35. Time for my hair.

-Wedding Cake-

Just the black design on the cake is described on this wedding cake

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