Chapter 34

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Fionna's P.O.V

"Marshall, please explain why there IS A LARGE M CARVED ON MY BACK!" I exclaimed.

Marshall didn't answer me for a minute or so because he was laughing at me. By the time he stopped laughing at me I was about to explode. You don't just carve letters on people's backs. That's not normal.

"Don't worry about it," he said.

I pushed him back into the wall with my hands pushing his shoulders back. I pushed him will more and more force because I was mad but confused at the same time.

"Tell me why there is an M on my back," I demanded.

"What's wrong my good little girl? Is something bothering you? Don't worry," he said with a smirk.

I saw my sword on the floor at the foot of the bed, here's my chance to get some answers. I released my grip and did an innocent look on my face.

"I don't know why I'm acting like this. Let me repay you," I said with a smile.

I kissed Marshall and he fell for the kiss. He kissed me back and I grabbed his shirt by the back holding him close to my body. I pulled us to the foot of the bed and I set him down on the floor. There is was, standing in front of Marshall with him sitting down in front of me. I looked at my sword, it was a foot away from us. Prefect range. I got on my knees and started to kiss him. He took a break from my mouth and started to kiss my neck.

"Bunny, you're getting wild. I've never seen this from you," he said while kissing my neck.

I grabbed my sword and said," Gotcha."

I pulled my sword to his neck and said," Now tell me about that M."

"I had a feeling you were going to do something like this. Well I guess I gotta tell you," he said.

I pulled my sword away from his neck and threw it at the wall, making it stick in the wall. I got off of Marshall and sat next to him.

"You didn't have to move," he said.

"Oh shut up and tell me about the M," I said rolling my eyes.

"Sassiness won't give you answers," he said with a smirk.

"Just tell me, please," I said.

"Fine. Well I carved the M on your back for a reason. See, when I carve an M on things that means that those things are mine. Forever," he said.

"Oh," I said.

I sat there for a few minutes with Marshall taking in what I heard. I am with Marshall forever and I liked that. But then something hit my mind.

"When did this happen and why didn't I feel it?" I asked.

"Well I did it while you were sucking on my neck," he said.

"It's good that you don't get those spots on your neck," I said blushing.

"You mean hickies?" He asked.

"Yeah those things," I said.

"Yeah I'm glad I have rapid healing because hickies are not a good thing to have on your neck. It symbolizes trash and that's why I don't give you hickies I just kiss your neck," he said winking.

"Well why didn't I feel this M being carved on my back because I felt it this morning," I said.

"You had so much adrenalin going through your body that you didn't feel anything. I was that good huh," he said smiling.

"Yeah yeah," I said.

I laid my head on his shoulder for awhile, but we had to get up and get ready.

We had to go tell Cake about the engagement and we had to be prepared for anything.

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