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The next morning was a disaster to say at least. I woke up with a raging headache, my mouth feeling like I have cotton stuffed inside.
I dragged my heavy body out of my bed and went to the kitchen in search of a nice cold glass of water. I took 2 aspirins with it and praying to start them working as soon as possible. I needed to take a nice cold shower that will wake me up from the mess in my head.

After showering and brushing my teeth, I finally got out of the bathroom, put some clothes on and check my phone. It was 12 p.m. already. Thank god, I have nothing planned today.

I have 3 unread messages and 2 missed calls. My heart started racing when the memory of Jake's words before he left me came rushing to my head. Did he call me already?

I opened the messages first and I had a message from Hanna, asking me if I'm awake and to call her ASAP and explain what the f* happened yesterday. Yep, she's not the only one who needs some sort of explanation.
The next message was from mum.
*Hey sweetie, how was your Halloween? Are you coming tomorrow for Sunday lunch? You can bring Hanna if you want. Just let me know.*

  My mum is so nice; I'd like to think some of her character rubbed out on me. Even though, I think I'm more a mixture of my mum's kindness and my sister's strong will. The stubbornness part, I think I got this all on my own.

The third one was from Becca, asking me if I saw Jake yesterday. Apparently he mentioned something to Brian. Absolutely perfect, I hope he didn't tell them anything about yesterday.

I replied to Hanna, promising to explain everything later if she has time to stop by at my place for coffee and I invited her to Sunday lunch. I will wait for her answer before replying to my mum.
I told Becca that I did see him at the club and tried to evade her questions by asking her if he works there.

Finally, I checked my missed calls. They were both from Hanna, from yesterday night and today morning. No sign of Jake, then. I guess it's still early. On the second thought, I don't think I even want him to call me. I don't want to think about him at all. The more I think about our moment yesterday, the more mortified I'm feeling.

I'm so angry at myself for letting him touch me like this on his goddamn office desk. What is wrong with me? Why can't I resist him, when I know he's seeing other women? This is ridiculous.  And what was with his possessive character? Does he think he needs to take care of me in some way?

First he's acting like an overprotective brother and then he almost fucks me on his desk. I don't know what is it with him and it's driving me crazy.

I need to forget all this happened, for Becca and Brian's sake if nothing else, and just move on from the mess we've made.

Three hours later of me obsessing and checking my phone every five minutes, Hanna finally arrives at my place. The little bugger looks refreshed like she had a few good hours of beauty sleep behind her. And I look like, well, like I drank half of the bar just hours ago. Life is not fair.

I've ordered Chinese and we sit down on my couch and start eating. She's looking over at me anxiously and I know she will explode soon if she doesn't ask.

"Just say it Han, what do you want to know?" A small smile playing on my lips.

She almost spits half of the food, while trying to get her questions out of her mouth. I start laughing without understanding anything that she said, and she laughs even harder, throwing a pillow at me.

When we manage to calm down, she repeats her question. "What is happening with you and Jake that I don't know about, and what the hell happened with you yesterday? You could at least call me when you got home." She looks at me with a small frown.

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