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This chapter gives you some insight on Jessica's background. Enjoy it and don't forget to vote and comment :)


Monday morning I walk in to the office and I'm sent right away to the office of my boss Elena, realizing all hell broke loose. We've almost lost one of our biggest clients, because of some newbie error (that thankfully wasn't made by me) and now we'll have to work twice as fast and for less money on their new project for them to not leave our firm.

As soon as I enter her office, she starts barking orders at me from all directions, so I barely have time to pull out my iPad and start making notes for all the things we'll require.

It's not until 1 p.m. that I manage to breathe and steal away for a quick bite before we return back to work. Luckily I don't have classes today, so I can devote my time and be the best PA my boss can get. And hoping she won't forget it when it's time for promotion.

I walk down to the coffee shop and when I finally manage to sit down with my cup of coffee and a sandwich, I let myself breathe and relax from the hectic morning.
My lips curve upwards when memories of the previous day flood my mind.

It was a spectacular day. Jake took us to a cute little restaurant for one of the best Benedict Eggs I've ever eaten and we've spent the entire meal talking and laughing at the stories of me and Becca, wedding preparations and what he and Brian were up to in earlier age. I could see women falling in line for both of them if they were so charming. They still do for Jake, obviously.

After that we were driving in his comfortable car for almost an hour to the secret destination that he mentioned was his favourite place around here.
To my surprise we stopped next to a medium-sized cottage that I, later on, found out was his parent's, but they don't use it much since they live in England now. The place looked so warm and homey with its light brown wood shell and rustic interior with just the right amount of luxury apparatus to make it look sophisticated yet not intimidating.
What took my breath away, however, was the winter garden surrounded by tall glass windows that overlook a big lake. It looked out of this world with noon sun shining on the water, appearing as the surface of the deep green lake is bathed in diamonds.
I stopped in front of the glass doors, looking out in awe without uttering a single word. It was the most serene and peaceful moment I had in a long time.

His big hands pulled me back and hug my waist from behind, letting me take in the view with his warm breath on my neck. He didn't interrupt my gazing, just pressed a small kiss to the top of my head and held me tight. We stood like that for a few minutes before I turned around in his arms, giving him a long lazy kiss.

"I take it you like the place?"

"'Like' is an understatement of the year. I can see why this is your getaway."

We kept on standing there, my hands thrown around his neck and his resting on my hips, smiling at each other.

"There isn't a lot of things I use that are my parent's. But this place... I think I mostly cherish it because it has one of the few good memories I have of my childhood."

The conversation took a serious turn and I was dying to find out what's the story behind it.

"You don't have a good relationship with them?"

He sighed and slowly led us to a nearby sofa to sit down.

"It's not that they are bad parents. There were no domestic issues if you are thinking something like that. It's just that they didn't want kids in particular and my mother getting pregnant was more of an accident than a planned occurrence. They provided me with everything I needed, materialistically speaking, but if they had an option between spending time with me during my summer holidays or go travel to Caribbean's, well let's just say... I wasn't their top priority."

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