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Hot scene! Be aware! :)

He emerged from his apartment a few minutes later, fully dressed now, which was almost a shame with his fine physique. It's a crime he's hiding that fine body of his. I would almost grin at my thoughts if I wouldn't be so nervous about what will happen.

We drove silently in the elevator, both of us stealing glances without actually looking up. I felt butterflies in my stomach not quite sure if from excitement at his nearness or just pure nerves.

When we finally got to the ground floor he put his hand on the small of my back like the first time we were in the elevator and my skin tingled at the heat radiating from his hand.
I've tried to push down the feelings he seemed to wake up and lead my thoughts to the things we actually had to talk about.

By the time we stepped out of the building he already let go of my back and it helped me clear my mind. Even though I hated the loss I felt losing his touch.

We've crossed the street and stepped in a small coffee shop that was half empty since it was almost closing time.
Both of us moved to the far corner, feeling the need for some privacy, even though none of us actually said anything since we left the apartment.
We were sitting across each other and after ordering coffee, I finally gathered the courage to look him in the eyes. He was regarding me intently, something secretive in his eyes, waiting for me to start talking.
I know my eyes were shining when I looked at him and I didn't manage to hide the way I reacted to his nearness. My heart was beating fast and we just kept on staring at each other, breathing in every detail.

Finally I shook my head slightly and opened my mouth, "I wanted to talk to you about what happened the other day. I think I owe you an apology."

"You think or you know?"

I was looking at him closely, thinking if I want to fall into his provocation or just relax the hostile feeling growing in me. You were kind of mean to him, let him know this. Swallow your pride for once, Jessica.

I took a deep breath and continued.

"I think. You didn't really do anything to change my opinion. But it wasn't the right way to say it. Also the timing could be better. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable."
I tried for a small sheepish smile and it worked. The side of his mouth quirked, but he still suppressed the smile that was about to show.

"You had the right to doubt me, I can't deny this and my reaction could be better. I am sorry for this. Though I agree the timing wasn't the best, seeing it was minutes after you came screaming my name."

I blushed crimson; squirming in my seat and looking around making sure nobody heard him.

"Why don't you just yell it to the whole coffee shop?! I'm not sure the old guy on the other side heard you well."

This time he did laugh, those damn dimples of his showing again. I couldn't help but grin back. He was so gorgeous. How will I ever be able to resist him?

He got more serious face when he continued, "I went for a check-up. I wanted to let you know tomorrow if you wouldn't have come today." He paused before continuing, making my heart beat faster.
"I'm clean. You should be safe from me... At least in this regard."

He winked at me and I was looking at him in wonder, an incredulous smile playing on my lips.

I shook my head and smiled bigger, "You really are a player, Jake Adams."

He grinned as the waitress approached and put coffees in front of us. Her eyes lingered a bit too long on Jake asking if we want anything else, but clearly looking only at him. I rolled my eyes at her obviousness, but Jake didn't care for her. He said 'no, thank you' without losing eye contact with me. I liked that. More than I was willing to admit.

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