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I froze, instantly far away from sleep and even my headache couldn't compare to the sudden pressure in my chest. Good pressure, or bad? I have no idea. I mean, I wanted him to care about me, God yes, to feel at least something, but this just blind-sided me, coming out of nowhere.

He couldn't, could he? Did something happen yesterday? Shit, why did I have so much to drink? I should remember. I don't even know how he managed to be in the same place as we were.
Oh wait, did we go to his club? The image of the club's bouncer opening the VIP entrance flashes through my mind. Yep, he didn't come looking for me, I went to him.
Probably he is saying this because I wanted to break things off. Maybe he just panicked. He is Jake goddamn Adams; he doesn't fall in love. He fucks, hard and then moves on.

The hand that was caressing my messy locks starts slowly moving to my face, brushing my cheek, before his thumb and forefinger enclose my chin and gently pull my face up to look at him.

His eyes are serious, but suave, looking at me curiously.

"Baby, are you...?"

Before he could finish the sentence I reach up and close my mouth over his. I can't deal with this right now, and not with the lack of memories from yesterday night. I will analyze everything later when I'm not with him and I'll be able to think straight.
For now, I'll pretend I don't feel small butterflies in my belly and a spark of hope in my chest and I'll just kiss him senseless, making us both forget our life outside this bed.

He let me get away with it. His lips connected with the sensitive spot behind my ear and I slowly climb on top and start rubbing over his semi-hard on. His groan reverberates on my skin at my initiative and sends shivers down the whole surface of my body, which makes me pick up my pace, making him fully ready to enter me.

He makes me scream for the second time this morning when we both come as hard as always and then we fall asleep in each other arms without uttering a single word.

I came home later that day, still hungover as hell, but Jake's home-made juice with a painkiller saved me for the most part.
After we ate breakfast and sat on the couch, drinking our coffee and juice, talking about seemingly unimportant things, I decided to get up and leave. The air wasn't exactly awkward, but it wasn't as relaxed as it always has been between us.
I avoided the topic of what he said, later on thinking if I imagined everything. He, on the other hand, was probably giving me a chance to process. Even though, knowing him, the process time will be very short.
Jake Adams does not wait for things to happen in his life. He makes them happen.

The next day was still a holiday, so I didn't have to report for work or at the University and I managed to recover completely and get some sleep.

The rest of the time I spent cleaning my apartment and talking with Hannah on the phone about the 'crazy New Year's' we had.
She finally filled in some blanks about the night. We did end up at his club, The X and when he noticed us waiting to enter, he got us escorted to VIP and give us a table with drinks on him. He didn't show up at our table and we haven't seen him the entire night. It wasn't until early hours when the crowd was slowly disappearing that he came to us. Well, not to us. He came to me. In fact, he said to Hannah he had enough of me dancing provocatively and luring all the men in the club, before grabbing my hand and leading me outside and in his car.

Apparently, I didn't complain much if I can judge by where I woke up the next morning.

The next day I was invited to my sister's place for dinner and by the time the clock rolled around to six p.m., I was on my way to their place. They were cooking Brian's famous Pasta Bolognese. Yummy.

I bump into Jake in front of the building just when I'm about to take the shiny new stairs to the entrance. I had no idea he was coming. I thought it's going to be just the three of us.
When he sees me his mouth spreads in a big grin and when I get close enough he cradles my face in his hands and kisses me senseless.

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