Mine to begin with

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Nicki was in her room getting ready to go hang out with Jayson. She walked out the front door and sees Drake coming from his backyard.

"You look nice" he says.

"Thanks" she says.

"You going somewhere?" He asks walking closer to her.

"Jayson asked if I wanted to hang out today."

"Oh" he says scratching his head. Jayson pulls up in his black Jeep.

"Guess we'll talk later" Nicki says going to get in the car. Drake watches as the car leaves then goes back into the house.

"Drake your phone was ringing" Kat says putting on her jacket.

"Where are you going?"

"To dads" she says. Every since their mom found out about their dads cheating he moved down the street from them. He says they are just separated.

"What are y'all going to be doing?"

"He's taking me shopping and out to eat" she says. "Maybe you can come by later and we all go to the movies or something " she says.

"I will later". She nods and walks out the door. Drake goes to his room and sees the missed calls from his phone.

He calls Jillian back.

"Hey Drake, I called you to see if you were going to Seth's party tonight" she says.

"Which one?"

"Seth the junior" she says.

"Oh he still having that party?"

"Yeah " she says laughing. "I was thinking maybe we could go together" she says.

"I'll get back to you on it later. Text me where it'll be again" he says.

"Okay" . He ends the call. He then texts Kat and some of his friends about the party.

Meanwhile with Nicki, she and Jayson were out skating at the local roller rink.

"Nicki I can tell you like me" he says making her smile.

"I don't like anyone. Everyone is annoying" she says making him laugh.

"You're too funny" he says.

"You're cool but I don't think we need to date. You're a grade higher than me and I don't know if you're messing with someone else behind my back" she says.

"I can make you highly positive that I'm not messing with anyone" he says stopping them both from skating. She looks up at him, being that she was two inches shorter than he was. He grabs Nicki's hand to hold and looks at her.

"I'm feeling you" he says. "Just trust me" he says. She just looked at him and he leans in for a kiss. Nicki was about to let it happen but she dodges it making him kiss her cheek.

"I'll let you continue to prove it before you touch these lips" she says. He makes a face then nods.

"You were going to the party tonight right?"

"I don't like Seth. He just goes to school to go" she says .

"Seth is hard to get to know but he cares about school" Jayson says as they take a seat.

"This party just better not be crazy" she says.

"I'll keep it pg 13 for you" he says as she hits him. After hanging out at the skating rink more he takes her home.

"I'll pick you up around 6" he says. She nods and goes in the house as he drives away. Going in she hears Caiah and some other girls voice. He was sitting with his friend Sydney. If Nicki was mistaken she would think Sydney was his sister.

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