Chapter 2: The fake dogs

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Deciding that I would rather continue on exploring instead of going down the cave, I turned away from the mouth of the cave and walked off, heading towards a small hill. When I came to the base of the hill, I saw a small lake stretching out from the base. It spread across the landscape and deeper into the forest. 

I thought this would be a great place to fish, or have boat races. I allowed my eye to travel further up. It wasn't really a lake - more like a thick river. It curved around like a smile, and one part of it was thicker than the rest. Floating inside this thick part was a small island, visible from where I was standing. 

I ran back home and sat Suzie and Tinsel down at the front door - I didn't want them to drown in the water. Then I pelted back again to begin building.

I whisked some oak wood planks from my creative inventory and began building. It wasn't very big, but we could launch boats off of it and fish if we wanted. As I began building a cobblestone path back to the house, if that's what you could call the amazing structure within the mountain, I heard a voice calling me.

"Sophie! Sophie, where are you? Where's Sophie?"

That was Cally, calling to me and asking Midnight where I was. "I'm over here!" I shouted back, not looking up from my work.

"Where's here?"

"Near the river!"

"Yeah, because that tells us a lot!"

"Never mind, I'm coming!"

I stopped building and rose gracefully into the air. Well, it would have been gracefully had I not hit my head on a leaf block. "Ow!" I complained.

I zoomed off home where Cally and Midnight were waiting for me out the front.

"Oh, hang on. I'll be back in a sec," Cally said. She suddenly went stiff, staring at the ground. She was AFK, or Away From Keyboard. Obviously, she had to go somewhere for a minute outside of the game.

"Hey, Sophie, let me show you something inside," Midnight said, opening the front door. "Okay," I replied. "But I'm going to take Suzie and Tinsel inside first." I commanded both of the to stand, and walked inside. But when I looked over my shoulder, only Tinsel was following. 

"Suzie!" I cried running back. The wolf was still sitting there. "Stand, Suzie, come on!" I kept trying to get the dog inside. I noticed Midnight hooting with laughter beside me. I rounded on her. "What did you do to my dog!?" I asked. "Nothing!" Midnight answered, trying to keep her voice still. 

I turned back to Suzie. "Stand, Suzie, STAND!" She just looked up at me.

I clipped a lead to her collar and tried dragging her into the house. She didn't move and the lead snapped. Then I realized what was going on.

They had switched Suzie around for a fake one. Only the owner of a wolf can command it to stand and sit, as well as lead it. I didn't know where the real Suzie was, but I knew they wouldn't hurt her. Instead, I slipped past Midnight, who was still rocking with laughter, and crept up to our bedroom.

Ocean looked up at me as I closed the door. I dug a small hole in the wall and pushed her gently in. Then I closed it off and spawned another wolf. I tamed it and dyed it's collar the same colour as Ocean's. I re-named a name tag and clipped to the fake-Ocean's collar, so that she looked just like the real Ocean.

Then I rushed back downstairs, where my absence had gone unnoticed somehow.

I continued trying to make the fake-Suzie stand, knowing that it was useless. Soon, Cally came back. Her character straightened up again. "What's going on? Has she figured out what we did to Suzie yet?" She gabbled.

Midnight giggled. "Nope."

I grinned. "Alright you two, where's my REAL dog?"

They burst out laughing. Cally raced over to the wall and dug out a small hole. There was Suzie. "Suzie!" I cried in delight. She barked. I commanded her to stand, and she actually did! For a fleeting second I was worried that she wouldn't and that they had hidden a SECOND fake-Suzie in the wall for some extra laughs. 

But nope. My wolf stood up and followed me into the house. 

"Oh, Midnight," I called behind me casually. "You wanna go for another walk? With Ocean?" Midnight immediately knew what was going on. She tore up the stairs and flung open the bed room door. Fake-Ocean stared at her.

"Stand Ocean!" Midnight said. The dog looked at her.

"SOPHIE!" She screamed. "Where's Ocean?! I'm going to tear down this place until I find her, so-" 

"I found her! She's here!" Cally had followed us upstairs and dug away at the spot that I'd buried Ocean. To this day, I still have no clue how she knew that's where I'd hidden the wolf. Maybe she just knew me. Or maybe that was the logical place I'd hide her. Either way, Midnight commanded Ocean to stand and pulled her out with a lead.

I grinned. 

Then I remembered something.

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