Chapter 21: The REAL Final Battle

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No, no! Of course Herobrine didn't kill us!

Here, do you want the real story?

Are you sure?


Oh, okay.

Bye then.


Ha, ha! No, I won't leave you.

Here's what really happened:


"You want a fight, you've got one," Herobrine snarled, lifting his head to reveal his glowing white eyes.

We launched into our attack poses as Herobrine flew at us. He went for Cally first, because she was the one who challenged him, I guess. She jumped out the way and he smashed into the fence behind her. I could've sworn I heard him mutter something before he lunged at Midnight.

She ducked to the side as well and he zoomed over her. We regrouped and faced him, our swords drawn before us.

"Why are you doing this?" Cally shouted at Herobrine as he spun around in the air.

"Yeah, what did we ever do? It's not like we've done something to make you come after us specifically," Midnight piped in.

I stayed silent.

So did Herobrine.

Instead, he dove for us again and Midnight and Cally leapt up, swiping their swords at him. He hissed angrily as both made contact and veered upwards, out of their reach. He pulled out his own enchanted diamond sword and flew at us again, his new weapon ready to attack us.

All three of us jumped forwards and locked our swords with his, forcing him to slam into us.

His momentum drove us back a bit, but we held our ground, our teeth gritted. We pushed forwards as a team and threw him off. Herobrine crashed into the nether fences surrounding the arena, sending up a plume of smoke.

No one moved.

Then, out from the thick smoke screen glowed two, white eyes.

Quick as a flash, Herobrine zoomed and struck the ground in front of us with his sword. We each flew off to a different place in the arena. I fell on my back at the end, Midnight bounced to the side and Cally skidded to the other side.

Herobrine stood in the middle of us. 

"Okay, whoever created this Herobrine made him way to OP," commented Cally, getting to her feet.

"None of us made him, Cally!" Midnight shouted over to her.

I remained silent.

Herobrine chuckled. "Made me? What kind of foolish idea is that?" 

Cally hissed angrily. I charged at him as his focus was on Cally, but he pointed at me and I flew back into the fence. He advanced on Cally, who stood her ground but looked a little uneasy.

"She's right!" Midnight shouted. "You are just made up!" Herobrine snapped his head around to look at her. Then he pointed his hand at her. She levitated in the air, gasping in shock, and slammed into Cally, causing them both to fall over. Herobrine kept advancing.

I shook my head, my brain whizzing madly. I had to do something!

"I am the White Eyes, the Curse of Minecraft, the Virus of this world," said Herobrine, drifting slowly over to my stunned friends.

"And NO ONE can -"

He looked around as I started whistling behind him (FUN FACT: I can't actually whistle). Midnight and Cally gave me looks that clearly said, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?

I shurgged at them as Herobrine cocked his head at me.

"It's deep underground," I sang, "Past the bedrock, but don't did straight down; you'll regret that, so now you feel brave, equipped with your spade, to roam in these caves."

I inclined with my head to Herobrine's back I whistled a different tune. My friends raised their eyebrows. I decided to switch my song.

"I know you're looking at that cave and you're feelin' kinda brave, go to bed you'll be alright, don't mine at night," I sang again, "There's nothin' that is gonna change, if you just wait until the day, zombies wanna eat your brains, don't mine at night!"

I changed the tune again to a different song, all the while trying desperately to tell my friends to attack Herobrine without him noticing.

"I've got a diamond for a heart, my eyes glow in the dark," I sangonce again changing the song and not realizing what I was singing, "They'll always, always hurt me easy." 

I nodded my head at Herobrine and my friends seemed to get the picture. They started to untangle themselves from eachother.

"I've got a wither for a soul, and many evil goals, I prowl on your world for no reason." I tried adding a clumsy dance move to it too. "Disturbing the villages, I won't give them rest. These shadowy nights I lurk and bring dread. A dangerous man who a-a-always dies, they know my name as Herobrine." 

Herobrine's face fell as my friends snuck over to him.

"Everyone, everyone! Everyone can take me down-!"

"No, no, that's not how the song goes!" Herobrine cried angrily, turning his whole body to face me. "NOBODY can take me down! The song goes nobody, NOBODY, NOBODY can take me down!"

I crossed my arms, trying to pretend I couldn't see Midnight and Cally creeping up on Herobrine's back with their swords drawn. 

"Well, explain to me why so many people have," I challenged him, hoping he wouldn't turn around. The flicker of a smile threatened to break Herobrine's face. I glared at him warningly and he straightened it again. 

"I.. er..." He shook his head and regained his posture. "Name one." He said, sticking his chin up.

"Let's see here," I said, allowing my eyes to flicker over to where Midnight and Cally had almost reached Herobrine's back. 

"Notch, Jeb, Jesse-"

"Jesse's never even seen me!"

"Don't interrupt me!" I snapped. "There's Bob, Jim, some other random person, another guy who's name I don't know-"

"You're just making all of these up!"

I glared at him. "Steve."

He fell silent and tried to mouth something to me. Making sure my friends weren't looking, I made a zipping motion across my lips and winked at him. He shut his mouth. Not before I knew what he was mouthing of course.

"And Alex. Steve and Alex together have defeated you too many times to count. Oh, and now there's us." I finished.

"You!? What do you - AH!" Herobrine disappeared in a puff of the same white smoke as Cally and Midnight swiped their swords through him.

Where he'd been just a second ago hovered a diamond sword and what looked like a head.

Silently, Cally picked up the sword and Midnight picked up the head. I walked over to them and stood behind them.

"'Herobrine's Sword'," said Cally, reading the weapon's name tag. "'For those who have defeated the merciless Herobrine'. 'Merciless' my tail!" She laughed. 

"'The Head of Herobrine'," read Midnight. "'A trophy even more elusive than the Ender Dragon Egg'." 

We looked at eachother. And grinned.

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