Chapter 12: The Last Straw

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It took us a long time - a VERY  long time - to go back on the server again. Why? I don't know.

But one night, some many weeks and maybe even a few MONTHS later, Midnight finally opened the server again and we got on. Well, Midnight and I got on.

Cally was reading a book that she seemed to really want to finish.

I spawned in at the front door, alongside Midnight. Then my game crashed. Scowling, I got back in - and it crashed again.

"Technical difficulties... please stand by..." I messaged Midnight.

The third time, it worked. I was in for good.

Didn't see much like Midnight noticed though. She was too busy fixing the front door so that the top and bottom blocks opened up for us, instead of just the bottom.

I planned to hide around the corner and ambush her with fireworks, but that failed. I don't even think she took any notice.

When she finally finished the door, which worked perfectly, we went upstairs to retrieve our dogs. 

But when I came to the quartz basket I had made for them... they were gone.

And above the basket were the words, 'FOLLOW THE GLOWSTONE PATH'.

I yelped in shock and Midnight gave me a strange glare.

She was wearing another, new skin yet again, which had blonde hair and startling blue eyes. Her pants were black and her shirt was grey. 

She destroyed the sign.

I stared, open-mouthed. Hadn't she seen what it said!? "Midnight! My dogs... that was where my dogs were!" I squeaked in fright as she went into our bedroom to fetch Ocean. Only, Ocean wasn't there. "Ocean's gone too!" Midnight cried, running out of the bedroom. "And there's another sign... come!" 

As I followed her, I noticed my cats and one of Cally's cats, Teagan, was missing too.

"The cats are gone too," I pointed out as I opened the bedroom door. Midnight didn't reply. She was staring, transfixed at a sign in front of her bed that said, 'I HAVE TAKEN THEM.'

We looked at eachother, horror in our faces. 


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