♫Come on and mine with Me! ♫

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C = Cally

M = Midnight

S = Sophie 


The three players jumped down the dark mine, with Midnight's torch lighting the way. Sophie looked at Cally in front, and Cally could tell her friend was scared.

C: "Oh don't you dare run back,"

M: "Just light a torch with me,"

S: "I said I'm going back!"

M: "She said-"

C: "Come on and mine with me!"

M: "These diamonds are my destiny,"

C: "She said-"

M: "Ooh-Ooh!"

C: "Come on and mine with me!"

They crept further down the cave until it was pitch black, apart form Midnight's torch.

But they knew there were monsters there.

M: "We were all geared up, for the fight."

C: "The creepers and the skeletons spawn tonight!"

M: "Helpless in the darkness, no-one in sight,"

C + M: Oh, we were bound to mine together!"

           "Bound to fight together!"

C: "She got her bow," (Pulls out bow)

S: "We hear some monsters nearby," (Monsters growl)

M: "She tossed her sword and she said!" (Tosses sword in the air)

They began to fight as monsters stormed them. But Midnight and Cally kept encouraging Sophie along.

S: "I said I'm going back!"

C + M: "She said come on and mine with me!"

M: "These diamonds are my destiny!"

C: "She said-"

M: "Ooh-ooh!"

C + M: "Come on and mine with me!"

At last the players defeated them, and decided to sit down for a while to regain their strength.

M: "Some worn down gear -"

C: "And no where to flee."

S: "My wooden sword almost broke-"

M: "Need XP!"

S: "She made me an iron pick and gave it to me." (Cally gives pick)

C: "I knew-"

M + C: "We were bound to mine together!"

All: "Bound to fight together!"

More monsters charged them.

C: "She pulled her bow," (Pulls bow)

M: "We hear some monsters nearby," (Monsters growl)

S: "She tossed her sword and she said!"

They charged.

C: "Oh, don't you dare run back,"

A Minecraft Tale - The White EyesWhere stories live. Discover now