Chapter 15: Herobrine's Lava Maze

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We looked across at eachother. In front of each of us was an entrance to what was obviously the lava maze. "Why a Lava Maze?" Midnight complained. "I hate mazes, let alone Lava ones!"

"Well, we'd better get in there..." I said uncertainly. At the same time, we all walked through the maze entrances. As soon as we passed through, more gravel fell and blocked the way back again. "Looks like you're stuck here..." Herobrine's creepy voice rasped.

"It's not like we were going to go any other way," I heard Cally say. I stifled a laugh.

I walked through the maze. Now I knew that he wasn't joking at all about it being a lava maze. The paths were only one block wide, and the walls were all lava. I started walking randomly, turning around corners and walking down straight paths. It didn't take me long to find Cally. 

She was inching her way through the maze carefully. 

"Hey Cally!" I yipped gratefully. She jumped and almost fell into the lava. "Sophie! What is WRONG with you!?" She cried. "Don't you know to never sneak up on people in a lava maze?!"

I shook my head. "No, because I've never been in one before," I replied.

"Well, it's kinda common sense." Cally pointed out, turning back around to continue inching her way through the maze. I followed her. It was better than being alone.

"Have you seen Midnight?" I asked her. 

"No, because I'd have stayed with her, wouldn't I?" Cally shot back.

"Oh, yeah, that's right."

We kept walking carefully through the maze. My tail almost got singed, but I patted it out quickly. Cally's tail was kept around her legs, although I was puzzled how she never tripped on it when I did. 

Finally, the hot and stuffiness of the lava maze opened up into the cool air of a stone room which in turn lead out to a large ravine, where it was much hotter, thanks to the lava that covered the floor.

"Midnight still hasn't come in yet," said Cally as I peered over the edge of the platform into the ravine below. 

"I'm here!" Midnight cried, running out of the maze at last. 

"Finally," Cally replied. 

"Hmmm... Seems like you've made it through my first challenge." Herobrine said.

"Yeah, and we'll make it through whatever you throw at us next!" Cally shouted.

"Yeah!" Midnight and I called, throwing one of our hands in the air.

Herobrine ignored us.

"Luckily, I have the next task for you," He said.

"Lucky is getting out of this cave," Cally muttered under her breath.

Once again, Herobrine took no notice. 

"My next task - My Ravine Parkour!"

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